He can't win.
Finally, someone who gets it.
If a "woman" doesn't have ovaries then "she" can't get an abortion. What an argument.
Finally a based mentally ill tranny. I can see why TERFs want to curbstomp them though.
>not just women get abortions
How did we get to the point where someone unironically believes this?
Estrogen in the water supply
Liberalism is a mental disorder
>kevin nash is getting btfo by mentally ill otherkin trannies
imagine being this guy
>reproductive justice
>kill an unborn child because they were fucked into the wrong uterus
every time I think I might be liberal, someone says something stupid like this and I snap out of it.
holy fucking cringe LOL
....are trannies fucking retarded? Who the fuck else gets abortions besides women? And yes, REAL BIOLOGICAL WOMEN have ovaries, not just mutilated dicks and a bleeding hole they have to re-open everyday before they kill themselves.
It's called an ovariohysterectomy retard.
Some cunts are just never fucking satisfied.
That's the problem these days... you can say and do nice things but then there will be a group of fuckers that still aren't happy with it.
We need to accept that no matter what you say or do, it's gonna piss someone off even if you have good intentions.
trannies are mentally ill, it's because we've let mental health slip so far down in the shitter that this line of thinking is considered allowable
and why the fuck would a person who has had an ovariohysterectomy be getting an abortion you redditfag?
Yes, some women have their ovaries removed. They’re still biologically female though because they have XX chromosomes, something a tranny freak like you will NEVER have.
>biological females are born with ovaries; some get them removed
>mentally ill tranny freak has never, or will never, have ovaries
>th-they’re the same!! They’re both women you Nazi!
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Kek what a man
>not just women get abortions
>>not just women get abortions
Nash tries sucking up to the fags, the fags tell him his opinions not not gay enough for them
>not just women get abortions
Lmao imagine being a conservacuck unironically
I can't stress this enough...liberalism is a mental disease. 99.9% of the time it's them demanding for apologies that are never good enough and always asking for more if you try to please them. I wish more people would recognize that and just ignore the social media mobs because they'll eventually move on to the next outrage in a day or 2.
Seething tranny detected
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Imagine being a liberal in 2019 LMAO how embarrassing
Now get off the internet and go dilate or your festering wou-, I mean vagina, will close!