Joking aside, do they really have a chance?

Joking aside, do they really have a chance?

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they have a chance to thrive as an alternative to the E
don't see them as anything else

I thought so at first, and Kenny really is a star. After seeing The Nightmare Family shit and how their first main event crumbled from miscommunication.
They've got no chance in hell.

>how their first main event
What? Kenny vs. Jericho is not happening?
PAC vs. Hangman wasn't main event.

Wrestling is dead.

According to those who worked there, one of WCW's biggest issues was not knowing who the boss is. So I'm sure AEW will be fine with having everybody as the boss. There's really no difference in running a YouTube show and running a multi million dollar promotion.

>Kenny really is a star
How so?

I thought Kenny vs Jeriboomer was the mainevent

i'm reserving all judgement until i see it on weekly tv. i think a big part of wrestling being good or bad is the presentation. if they can get that right, then yes, they'll have a chance to be a sustainable, good show that has some growth potential.

Kenny vs Jericho is the main event

The biggest part of wrestling is having stars, and AEW doesn't have 'em.

They will win the war obviously.

Of course it was. user is trying to mislead you and making this match bigger than it was. He is trying to gaslight you. When the match was announced there were lot of people asking "who" on Yea Forums telling everyone how this match is basically two vanilla shitters against each other. Now the same people will try to tell you it was the main event. please stop being worked by shitty baits

Kenny and Jericho are stars. whether you like him or not, Cody is a draw as well. also, define "star," because the argument can be made that there isn't a single modern era wrestler on earth right now that is a legitimate household name.

>When the match was announced there were lot of people asking "who" on Yea Forums telling everyone how this match is basically two vanilla shitters against each other. Now the same people will try to tell you it was the main event.
Those two concepts are not mutually exclusive.

They will have a niche in the smark community but their mainstream appeal does not seem good at the moment with the roster and the way they have marketed the content of the show thus far.

I know it was one of the promoted matches. And it is bad that they pulled it. I agree with that whole-heartedly. But trying to make this as a big deal as someone here is? nah, (as kids would say) it ain't it chief (or however the fuck they say it, I am an old fart and I don't know this shit)
It is a bad look. But. I am still willing to give them some benefit of the doubt. It wasn't announced as championship match, from what Dave told us, they couldn't have done what they planned longterm with Kenny and PAC, so they killed it altogether. We will see how it will shape up and what they do as a replacement match.
But if the show is bad? I will stop caring. And ym goodwill towardsthem will be gone.
But I do not cast judgment before seeing the first episode of any show, if I at least like the premise or trailer.

>but their mainstream appeal
They cannot have any mainstream appeal at all right now and everyone knows that. There is no content to have any mainstream appeal from. Only way to capture mainstream appeal is to have a mainstream star on a show. And there is no mainstream wrestling star left. Wrestling is not mainstream.
And don¨t tell me some old wrestlers that are "mainstream" names. It doesn't matter, because how would the mainstream audience know. If they do not care about wrestlign right now (and they do not), how would they found out.

I just don't see them having the roster to do anything with. Nitro started with Hogan, Savage, Flair and Sting, among others. This AEW roster isn't creating any excitement with anyone who isn't already a huge fan.

WWE reached new heights after Mike Tyson involvement in WM 14.

>This AEW roster isn't creating any excitement with anyone who isn't already a huge fan.
Yes, it isn't. And they cannot have those people. Those people were old 20 years ago. You do not build your show around (and I hate Jericho there as well) 50+ years old people who are happy that they are walking. It makes no sense.
They have to build their own new stars. It takes time, patience, money and luck.

Yes, but they were already existing entity before that. You put a number behinf that Wrestlemania. They already had 14 of them. A lot of people here are thinking about established companies that have their own existing hardcore bases and putting mainstream star on a show made them into mainstream entities.
AEW is a startup. There is no history behind it, just one show they did and they were not really AEW yet.
This way of thinking "they need to be mainstream right away" is just bonkers. That's not how these things work.

Wrestling was pretty hot by that point.

Wrestling is DEAD
You're all grasping at straws
The ship sailed a long time ago

I dont know, If NOAH became hot right off the bat after its split with AJPW, I believe AEW can do it too especially that they have way better talent and resources to do it.

AEW will prove if its wrestling people don't want to watch anymore or just WWE.

History always repeats itself.
Wrestling on TNT will cave to WWE and be bought out again.
The best that can come out of this is WWE's current stagnant product improves.

why do all you underage fags that never even saw an episode of nitro live always act like you know why wcw went out of business?

This. It has been on a decline for almost 20 years.

I didn’t think they would beat WWE but now I’m realising they’re bigger marks for themselves than I thought.

But compate level of stardom of people who went to NOAH and those who are starting AEW.
Let's not kid ourselves here.

I've read a book, you illiterate redneck faggot

>also, define "star," because the argument can be made that there isn't a single modern era wrestler on earth right now that is a legitimate household name.

You just did. Household name. There are no stars in wrestling, much less fat old WWE midcarder and big-in-Japan man.

Omega, Jericho and Cody are great assets.
Yes absolutely they have a chance. It depends on the booking though, and a ton of other things they need to get right. If it's all flippy shit and they cater to smarks they're fucked.

>define “star”

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this is the dumbest, laziest take i've ever read.
>history repeats itself
so by this logic the attitude era will return and do superbowl ratings every week.

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They have a legit billionaire backing them, so sure they have a chance, especially if he has no qualms about splashing the cash. Not just in terms of getting wrestlers, but also production values.

Now that doesn't mean they'll take the chance well. And I do think the allure of AEW will ware off. It's just a shiny new thing right now.

not a wrestler and Ric Flair did this gimmick better and didn't rape any women either.

If they can get people to watch their show sure. If people like their show then they'll buy the PPVs and spend money on their product. I just don't see anyone on their roster that will draw people to watch it. Jericho is really their only known star. Kenny may be a great wrestler but outsides the internet dweebs, he's relatively unknown. They'll need good TV to convince people to waste time on their product. That's why the TV is so important.

WWE has the same problem but they also have the almost 40 yo brand "WWE" that draws people. They don't have to rely on "big stars" as much as AEW will. Currently that "WWE" brand is failing and not drawing which is why WWE needs to start relying on the "brand" and more on the "wrestlers/stars."

go back you pleb

you don't know shit, junior. try harder next time.

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>If they can get people to watch their show sure. If people like their show then they'll buy the PPVs and spend money on their product. I just don't see anyone on their roster that will draw people to watch it. Jericho is really their only known star. Kenny may be a great wrestler but outsides the internet dweebs, he's relatively unknown. They'll need good TV to convince people to waste time on their product. That's why the TV is so important.

>Charles Barkley vs Shaquille O'neal All In 2 Main event.

Their first show is either going to make or break them. They do have some legitimate draws, but they’re really going to have to sell on the talent in order to do decent.

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Based centrist chad not subscribing to either den of zealots and posting the real people's champ

Literally who?

what he says about baseball is true of every non-essential including pro wrestling. don't waste your money on aew, wwe, or any other wrestling promotion.

NOAH was 80% of AJPW's roster ya geek, how does this even relate to AEW?

nah their first ppv and tv show(s) will do good because of the hype and everyone's eyes will be on it. It's in 8-10 months if they can keep this audience or not is when we can talk about made or broke.

>comparing government employees paid with tax payer dollars to professional athletes that draw hundreds of millions/billions of dollars in tv and merchandising revenue
there are people RIGHT NOW that unironically believe what this senile old stooge says

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Look at the shape of the E. They have a chance.

Yes they do

There are no stars in wrestling today. A star is someone that can draw normies to watch.

AEW will draw the teenage and young adult demographic. WWE's demographic are old and dying off. Most of them are single too so they won't have to infect this world with their offspring.

Nice try grand pa, teenager and young adults would prefer to watch Pokimane and Shroud on Twitch instead of wrestling on TV.

>It has been on a decline for almost 20 years
No WWE has been on a decline for 20 years, NJPW and ROH (despite memes) have both doubled their products value. Pro-Wrestling has been around for centuries and isn't going to be defined purely by WWE's life-time.

>Kenny and Jericho are stars.
True enough
>Cody is a draw as well.

I'd like them too, but nah. Never bet against Vince, ever, if history is anything to go by.

Best case scenario this puts a fire under WWE's ass and we get a decent few months where they're actually trying

When the war is over, Cody will be worth more than anybody on the current WWE roster combined.

A guy who has recieved more mainstream media coverage than any currently active or semi-retired wrestler in any org not named Dwayne Johnson

Cody was on WWE television for more than 10 years, he is in fact a draw you smarky dumbshit.

CM Punk showed the world what happens when a mark gets in the octagon in true humiliating fashion
AEW will show the world what happens when you let unironic marks run a promotion that gets televised decently

>when you let unironic marks run a promotion that gets televised decently
but WWE already did that

uhhh john cena? the rock? hell the undertaker is still putting on matches too, sure none of them are full timers but they all still wrestle occasionally

No. They're not leading with what WWE fans want or don't want, but pay for. They're leading with freaks and geeks, they think their YouTube bits are gonna go over big on national TV, I think they're in for a rude awakening, they need a crazy Booker like Sullivan or Heyman, none of those BTE guys are as smart as they think.

>uhhh john cena? the rock? hell the undertaker
uhhh thanks for proving my point, shit for brains. there hasn't been a legitimate star in wrestling for almost two decades now.

They want to present themselves as a real sport but doing worked shoots at the same time.

It's going to burn badly

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Going by what they have announced or shown so far: absolutely not.


"We're going to have a more sports-like presentation and give wrestlers more freedom with their characters and promos" + their roster of twinks = dead on arrival

Do NJPW shows even have a million worldwide viewers?

>they want to present themselves as a real sport
LOL it's already over
People watch wrestling to see coked up freaks do wacky shit

it won't even crack tna levels

if they drop SJW gimmick and hire some big guys to be their champions then maybe

>Kenny vs. Jericho
>anywhere near main event

Jericho needs to fuck off and die.

Also, the relative rarity of people who can play professional sports at a competitive level versus the amount of teachers in the world dictates that athletes would get paid more.

That being said, GOOD teachers should get paid a hell of a lot more instead of a bunch of tenure leaching parasites fucking up the next generation.

He should donate one of his his three houses we paid for to teachers if he so worried about them.

>They have to build their own new stars. It takes time, patience, money and luck.

Their TV deal and metrics are finite, however, so it has to translate sooner rather than later if it’s going to succeed. They don’t get carte blanche - TV execs are going to expect growth after an initial period.

NOAH was hot straight away because it was literally 95% of the AJPW regulars immediately and they also yoinked AJPWs TV slot immediately.

based boomer:

If they were serious about competing with WWE they'd have lured someone like Orton, Cena or AJ.
If they were about building talent they'd not rely on old established acts like oMEMEga and the balding superkick bros.
If they wanted to be different they wouldn't gobble up washed up Jericho and pac and other WWE castaways.
Basically you're gonna get WWE lite with a few trannies and gayniggers from outer space sprinkled in, with the occasional Joey Ryan dick show and CAWdy booking himself as an actual main event talent (which he's not)


At what?

>Gay nigger in woman's leotard takes a codebreaker, lionsault, new faggoty elbow finisher, then reverses liontamer into a suggestively gay sex looking small package for the win
This is the future mark my words.

embarrassing post bro

Embarrassing promotion, Cody
>Daddehs talent didn't rubboff on you. Face it, you got bird legs and the chest of a freshman swimmer. You live with a chimp that you call a wife and you've never drawn a dime.

They need soap opera writing if they ever want to beat WWE. Dudes fighting to become the best never drew a dime.

Small reminder

embarrassing post bro

>Dudes fighting to become the best never drew a dime.
Pokemon says otherwise.

Brock debuted in 2002 ya simpola. he's a part timer at best. again, name me one modern day wrestler from THIS ERA that is a household name.

Beating WWE? Oh hell no. Becoming an alternative? Sure. That being said if AEW wants to go to the next level Khan weds to restructure the company and have someone lead the charge. Having too many EVPs in charge is a disaster. There's a reason for too many cooks in the kitchen saying.

Who’s that girl?

Next time think before you post

I hope so, but TNA had a pretty decent roster a few different times and look at them. That isn’t what will draw new viewers anyway; they need production values, content, and maybe some shock bumps or tits. The last one they don’t seem intent on going with and that’s a mistake.

It has real money behind it and that’s a start. But I dunno about this “sports” approach. The people who care about that in wrestling have already been watching ring of honor for 20 years and they’re barely above bingo halls.