In case you don't know, Pac pulled out of AEW cause he was scheduled to lose. Left WWE for the same reason.
In case you don't know, Pac pulled out of AEW cause he was scheduled to lose. Left WWE for the same reason.
You can take the wrestler out of WWE but you can't take the WWE out of the wrestler.
you cheered him when he left wwe though. eat your own cum
What a whiny cunt
He's still in AEW.
He just didn't wanna lose because he's the Dragon Gate champ and didn't wanna look weak... I get it, but sometimes you've gotta play ball.
Page should had lost to him
He was never in AEW. He’s in dragon gate. He was just doing DON for a match.
I’m sure he will at some point be booked in AEW again, but he’s not signed to them to a long term deal.
Pretty ineffective politician
Yeah it was no way one or a collection of “Vice Presidents” that stiffed PAC because they want Superman tier booking since they can give it to themselves.
Why would you book Hangman Page to beat him?
I would love to know how many of these threads Kenny-tan personally creates
He’s the Buck’s Bob Holly servant that they’ve groomed themselves since day 1 for a monster push
This is literally their first show and they want to try to mark someone who is pinned in to be one of their faces strong.
At this juncture, they need all main hands as possible to look stong and a win over PAC would leave Hangman with some form of legitimacy going forward.
Ahhahaahaha. Nobody cares about this aids ridden, vanilla midget, dollar store shitter.
He's their friend and they want to make him their future main guy.
I meant Page, btw.
He's on the roster page. Only signed talent are listed there.
>wins/losses matter
>people suddenly don't want to lose
God damn work retards
>God damn work retards
what is the payoff to people getting a match they already paid 50 bucks to see
stfu retard
Idk maybe telling everyone the match is off and then randomly it happen in DON
or they do have a match of page vs someone and pac comes out of no where.
Its not that hard to see this happen
that finish ain't gonna work for me brother
oh yeah they really worked us by cancelling a bout they'd been hyping for 3 months
Not a cool move by DG and PAC to try and pull a fast one on AEW a week before their big show. You'd assume when they agreed to the booking they knew who was going over and agreed to it. To back out on that is not good biz. Then again that's the wrestling biz.
see, you get it
How do we know it was Neville, and not Dragon's Gate that made him pull out because he was losing. They have a say in what their champion does.
>good look
>solid worker
>ugly freakshow manlet wwmeme reject
any smart booker would put hangman over
I don't blame him for not wanting to job for a couple of hot dogs