Would an ASMR gimmick get over?

Would an ASMR gimmick get over?

Attached: E4DBFA91-649D-4D2D-9DC0-C5C5647D4A80.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

>sound is the gimmick
>still has to look hot to get over
state of roasties

Attached: roastie toasted by nig cop.webm (504x640, 1.72M)

Is that a tranny?


Attached: me.png (264x613, 335K)

No but WWE should require all their wymyn to do weekly ASMR

Based police brutality


She's lucky if she didnt get charged with assaulting an officer.

>she wanna act like a man I'll treat her like a man

>Bayley ASMR - Silently brapping for an hour

Imagine the dimes

not saying she didn't deserve it but she barely grazed his bald head and responded with a full power hook to the jaw