My cat keeps fucking attacking me everytime I walk across the room

My cat keeps fucking attacking me everytime I walk across the room

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>jobbing to a cat
ding-dong diddly

that means it loves you

hug kitty into submission..
that's what I did. and I dont mean trying to hurt it no you actually want to hug kitty tight and give him all your love and eventually it gives up and stops being such an asshole. repeated hug sessions might be needed

I’ve had several cats over the years. Some of them used to attack certain visitors to my house without fail. You know what the people had in common? They were cunts.

Io likes cats an Kairi likes dogs. Really makes you think.

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My cat does this sometimes it's just being playful. he thinks your feet are prey and he's a hunter. Or it's a shoot and he's trying to kill you.

Time to put the cat over and push him as the next ace

I want to be Io's cat

Who's taking care of Io's cats now?

I wish I was Io's cat so I could hide in her bra.

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Lmao based evil.

>not having an animal that loves you

when are those two going to stop dancing around the issue and just fuck on camera?

Nobody. She had them put down.

No she didn't

She's got her sights set on bigger things

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Somebody had me a pillow case and a goddamn hammer

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What does Mayu like?

And i love you.

she has 3 or 4 cats and 1 dog

Then I wanna attack your asshole.

Based Mayu with the superior combined taste

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I'm black. Is that okay?

Makes it better. I'm racist and hate myself.

based felines

god I wish that were me

>When is the lonely virgin gonna leave me alone and get some pussy?



Based autismo gimmick

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