Look up my old friends from high school on facebook

Look up my old friends from high school on facebook

They all in jail, dead, homeless, drug addicts or working min wage slave jobs

Wtf its not supposed to be like this lads my teacher said we could be anything we wanted like astronauts and cowboys n shieeet

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80 percent of humans will never get their dream job.

how are they on facebook then?

My ass. I know plenty of black people who don't work.


Hey wait a minute, I think OP is lying!

Who the fuck puts they are/were in jail or homeless on facebook? Also it's better than you being a poor NEET and all your friends being ballers with 6 figure jobs trust me.

based OP's friends getting over while OP stays jobbing to the old 9-5

i bet you were never a top guy in high school either

filtered for being a retard it's way more than that

Even putting your job on facebook is retarded unless you are using facebook to promote a business. Boomers easily duped into sharing everything.

based banter


It says Update November 2015: Dead

More like 99% dipshit. Not everyone is an autist like you that dreams of being a NEET


I dream of owning my very own company so i to can pay millions in tax to our jewish slave masters

Now look up the females.

The world is female now lad.

>implying pulling 80% out your ass isn't what's retarded
>dropped his name

Nigga then don't be like them. Like, nigga go to community college. Nigga get a 4 year degree in something you want.

Nigga live in a tiny apartment and do the job you want .

Buy the basic material goods and make sure you go out into nature on the weekends nigga.

Shit nigga, it's all up to you. You eatin' potato chips right now browsing Yea Forums? Shiiiieeeet.

What the fuck they are all married to rich chads and live in big ass houses oh no no no

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It’s a lot of shit user. Humans can easily get fucked by what life throws at a young age.

>had friends in high school

leave normie


20 percent of people get their job.

But 85 percent of people hate their job and bitch like a woman about it.

Bases i heard this girl got raped

god damn calm the reddit spacing down you white wigger cuck



>They all in jail, dead, homeless, drug addicts or working min wage slave jobs

Sounds like your friends are all wrestlers

shiiiettt this nigga never learned how to communicate effectively, that's why he draws no dimes.


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Based roasties




>Look up my old friends from high school on facebook
>They're all married, have families and careers
>I shitpost on Yea Forums

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So? That doesn’t stop you from becoming a better person. Improving in yourself is always an option. Doesn’t matter what. It could be how you handle your money, how you eat, or if you exercise, etc. Giving up is no fun, and trying to better yourself is better because you get to see your progress. Don’t give up user, here on this man drama board we got each other’s back. I believe in you.

Its ok user
At least you arent Poof Mongz

Kek what a bitch

>Improving in yourself is always an option
