>people are more invested in dozens of other fictional TV shows despite knowing it's all fake and done by actors

How do retards like Cornette cope with this fact? How can he possibly explain why people care more about a GoT character turning heel than a wrestler when GoT doesn't attempt to portray itself as anything but a TV show?

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We should start trolling GoT drones with "you know it's fake right?" comments

Because GoT and other TV shows do look real, its easy to suspend your disbelief when everything the MC goes trough has an effect on him, in wrestling meanwhile the midget A gets powerbombed through the table and thrown out of the ring by the midget B and the next thing you see he already running around jumping and doing flips like nothing happened, you can predict every move because they both absolutely suck and then they also all have the same style and don't give you the reason to care for either of them.

Learn what suspension of disbelief is and shut the fuck up you spoon.

Star Trek showed us that media can be as ridiculous and stupid as humanly possible, but it will be taken seriously by the public if the characters in the show take it seriously.

Basically, as long as you sell shit correctly you can get a crowd invested.

This. Suspension of disbelief and investment is what makes any fiction good. Wrestling isn't good based on how many flips you can do.

Because a wrestler turning heel means jack all. We watch to see the wrestler wrestle, not berate the audience for no reason.

But GoT tries to look real.

GoT doesn't have niggers throwing pancakes

I will offer you a guy who is truly a mark.
I suspend my disbelief a lot. When I put on a show I want to suspend my disbelief, I want to go on a journey with a wrestler. And I do a lot of times. Because why else should I watch.
I just stopped watching WWE, because they storytelling was actively trying to take me out of my suspension. They forced their shitty tropes into stuff they didn't need to. They told me that I am a fucking moron if I watch. They told me that their own storytelling doesn't matter.
Outside of WWE people tell me to invest in characters, because they matter. So I do. And gladly.

This is it right here desu. They’ve proven time and time again that nothing matters, so there’s no reason to watch the show. Nothing is treated with any importance at all. Everything feels like it was thrown together on the fly

>GoT doesn't attempt to portray itself as anything but a TV show?

But that's wrong. GoT doesn't "portray itself as a TV show". It portrays itself as a series of events and circumstances within a fictional universe that all the characters within adhere to and respect whilst it is running.
The current overly-athletic winkwinknudgenudge we know we're fake style of wrestling would be akin to GoT characters breaking the fourth wall and acknowledging their falsity, then expecting you to care about the subsequent events.

To offer one example.
I've bought in to Shingo's unpinned, unbeaten thing he has going in NJPW. And his feud with SHO.
I am fully on board, I've suspended my disbelief. I WANT to see SHO victorious, I am emotionally invested in this one specific guy pinning Shingo in the middle of the ring and getting a victory. I know it's fake, I know it tells us nothing about how "good" either of the guys are. But the story is there. Same as it is in any other scripted show.
Other story I am interested in is Tam's need for affection. She wants Mayu to love her so much and she is jealous of people who are happy. There is a story of Arisa coming back from the past, Mayu welcoming her back with open arms and Tam feeling inadequate. Arisa even has her own band. And Tam is failed idol. And Mayu drafted her as third. And now Arisa has a belt and Tam lost her championship she won together with Mayu. What will happen next?
Just two examples of stories that I am on board for.

As shitty as Thrones is post season 4 let us not pretend that the writing/cast/production are far more talented than WWE, which has live TV 5-8+ hours a week with a bunch of marks in the ring who don't know the first thing about acting, or even pro wrestling at this point. It takes Vince less than 2 weeks to put out more hours of footage than it took 2+ years for Thrones to do. Fucking Freddie Prinze Jr used to be a WWE writer. Let's be serious for a second here.

If you're simulating a combat sport you need internal logic and consistency, lest you let people on to the fact that they're watching an autistic carnival clown show and only people that huff their own farts stick around to watch it.

this is another reason wrestling is shit now. it draws the wrong crowd and it's become a self-fulfilling prophecy. normies take one look at the crowd of neckbeards that likes wrestling and automatically don't want to be associated.

There is not game of thrones in cornettes reality.

80s wrestling already looked fake as fuck, last time pro wrestling looked real was in the 60s-50s, when it was pre determined catch wrestling.

Cornette is full of shit.

This is not true. The match ends because one of them physically cannot compete anymore (in the story).

>last time pro wrestling looked real was in the 60s-50s, when it was pre determined catch wrestling.
yup, running the ring ropes after getting thrown into them was much more realistic then and is a move in catch wrestling

Show me one pro wrestling match of the 50s that has this kind of bullshit.

>The match ends because one of them physically cannot compete anymore (in the story).
Doing flips is more retarded then since it drains stamina way faster than actual wrestling and accelerates the "physically cannot compete anymore" meme