Hot Dogs

Attached: Rd7LtzDByNNeX6VV1.webm (360x640, 1.35M)

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>the security guy telling them to stop
was it a work or a shoot?

did they died

he was clearly giving them the Perfect 10

God that bump looks hard. Like worse than New Jack's off the balcony dives.

does this merit a deluxe hot dog ?

Attached: HOTDOGS.jpg (500x333, 107K)

Holy fuck was that on concrete? Aren't tables supposed to break your fall? They went through like butter

Alternate angle. Motherfucker taking the bump gets dropped neck first. Dumbshits.

All for the this is awesome chant man

Who won?

both wrestlers and wrestling fans are fucking retarded , change my mind

Hot dog vendors.

Whatever hospital got to charge that guy for his bills

Attached: vince laughing.png (417x312, 122K)


Attached: 1435855682140.png (800x449, 461K)

Enjoy that hot dog

The tables are suppose to absorb your fall, they look cheap as fuck and it looks like they went right through them hard

What's with these Indie guys trying to duplicate the GOAT worker Cloud Strifehs big roof bump through the Church roof? Dude fell like hundreds of feet and drew millions of dimes, these guys fall twenty feet in front of twenty people and get paid less than I can find between my couch cushions. Pathetic.

that sound of sawdust being made

Attached: 1 hotdog.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

Attached: FlippyMidgetNeckXray.jpg (466x350, 67K)

oh jesus. Physically cringed.

that he had to step up and onto a railing while doing that is crazy

Attached: tenor (1).gif (498x280, 3.66M)

>doing this in front of 100 people

For what purpose?!


That impact looks 100x worst from ground level!

Whoever they get their wheelchairs from.

Where’s the Japanese tables when you need em?


>death valley driver off the balcony for pizza and light beer
wew lads

Did they died?

I wish

>all these marks getting worked by hardcore wrestling 101, falling off a balcony

Yikes, you literally learn to do it safely on your first day of indie shitter wrestling school.

no you don't. you learn babbies first bump and how to run the ropes.

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