Was it a Work or a Shoot

Was it a Work or a Shoot

Attached: Screenshot_20190517-232025~2.png (720x771, 331K)

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You think they let Ric say the N-word?

Rick flair has the n word pass from killer mike, off set, and 21 savage

I thibk he has a N word pass

Based Ric going over one last time

Does everything have to be either a work or a shoot?
Is there anything inbetween?

worked shoot


>off set

Do you realize how white you came off while writing that?


Attached: trips_rics_laugh_at_book.jpg (815x627, 53K)

Whatever im sure sounding white will get me farther in life than sounding black

t. jayonnaise

Whatever dude, I have a nine inch dick and literally look like Gino Hernandez

so does ric not hate bulbasaurs anymore?

For once a Based negro.
Poor bastard knocked up that crazy cokewhore Cardi B too, so I'll always have Sympy for him because I can't imagine how horrific it is to come home to her

Yeah....that definitely sounds to me like a black man who knows about the Teddy Long shoot interview but doesn't give a shit because Flair is that mint

>Rick flair

go back

Ric was just your typical cracker who said niggers, chink and spic but he wasn’t really raycist, he’s just breaking balls and trying to save his spot on the card

the killer Mike cut was the slap back in the day

Offset is the Michael's; Quavo is the Jannetty.

You stupid


based don hoosely

Attached: thedon.png (1276x948, 192K)

Whats the story on this guy? We really banning dennis or what?

Reminder that Ric called Teddy Long a nigger

Shoot work

>wanting to sound like a nigger

Attached: nigger mom.jpg (1627x1686, 308K)

>does everything have to be either fake or real?

Calling people niggers doesn't mean you hate all niggers. It's just a word.

t.willfully ignorant

So Flair hates all niggers because he has said nigger before but niggers love him? Why are nigger such cucks bros? Also I guess Chris Rock hates every single nigger too

Yes you are but what am I?

all real niggas know Takeoff is the Michaels