Why did tolkien book the witch king of angmar to job clean to eowyn?

why did tolkien book the witch king of angmar to job clean to eowyn?
if i was the booker i would have had him in an hour long technical match with aragorn and have aragorn pin him for the 3 count.

Attached: Witch-king-of-Angmar-in-Lord-of-the-Rings.jpg (1598x796, 98K)

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was he beaten by Eowyn in the books tho? a lot of things were changed in the movies by Jackson

dude there was hobbit interference it wasnt a clean loss

Eowyn just set him up for Meriadoc's finisher in the book. Jackson made it more grrl power.


Have sex.

>Glorfindel said to Earnur at the Battle of Fornost: "Do not pursue him! He will not return to these lands. Far off yet is his doom, and not by the hand of man shall he fall."
>Éowyn: Be gone, foul dwimmerlaik, lord of carrion! Leave the dead in peace!
>Nazgûl: Come not between the Nazgul and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy flesh shall be devoured, and thy shriveled mind be left naked to the Lidless Eye.
>Éowyn: Do what you will, but I will hinder it, if I may.
>Nazgûl: Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!
>Éowyn: But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Eomund's daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Be gone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.
He jobbed hard to her. A demi-god in his own right, he should have listened to the prophecy and fled.

Doesn't matter, everyone now knows it was a woman who slayed one of the most powerful beings in Middle-Earth at that time.
It is what we in the business call "done by a fucking hobbit"

seek sunlight

did you know that although being less than 10% of the population of middle earth, orcs commit more than 80% of all crimes?

>10% of the population of middle earth
That¨s bullshit and you know it. They spread like a plague. Also they breed like rats. And let me tell you. Trying to corral them into ghettos. That is a job that you do not want. We tried to close them off in mines. Didn't work. We nuked their fortresses. Didn't work. We fucking destroyed their fucking kingdoms, we SEND FUCKING GODS TO STOMP ON THEIR FUCKING HEADS AND THEY STILL CAME BACK.


Because Aragorn wasnt destined to kill, he was destined to allow his own sacrifice for the greater good of middle earth. Its why they scrapped the Saruman fight from ROTK. It wouldnt fit thematically for Aragorn to have a huge epic battle with a baddie. But Eowyn wanted to fight with the rest of the soldiers the whole time, against the behest of her father, she went to battle and proved to him that small, weak individuals can be the cause of change(THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE STORY ITS WHY THE HOBBITS DESPITE BEING A BUNCH OF VANILLA MIDGETS ARE ABLE TO TOPPLE THE GREATEST FORCE OF EVIL THE REALM HAS EVER SEEN)

>tfw Sauron was literally the Shawn Michaels to Melkor's Vince McMahon
But who was the Nash?

The elves Saruman used for breeding

>tfw WWMordor is making more money than ever on the stockmarket

So much capital, what can men do against such wreckless investing

Celebrian was raped by a pack of Orcs on a steaming hot night in the Solmath of TA 2509.

>The Acquisition of WCW is over
>The Merger of Wrestling is about to begin

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>Meltzer, what do your observing eyes see?
>W-well uhhh, let me see. Soooo I talked to some people and I am pretty sure they are taking the revival to all elite wresting

>not signing the heel Daenarys and have her bury the hobbits on her debut

You poor fourthies, don't know what was the glory of the First Age. There were dragons size of the mountains! And we had the brightest of faces to challenge the biggest heel.
>Then Fingolfin beheld... the utter ruin of the Noldor, and the defeat beyond redress of all their houses; and filled with wrath and despair he mounted upon Rochallor his great horse and rode forth alone, and none might restrain him. He passed over Dor-nu-Fauglith like a wind amid the dust, and all that beheld his onset fled in amaze, thinking that Oromë himself was come: for a great madness of rage was upon him, so that his eyes shone like the eyes of the Valar. Thus he came alone to Angband's gates, and he sounded his horn, and smote once more upon the brazen doors, and challenged Morgoth to come forth to single combat. And Morgoth came.
The fucking coward. He had his fucking burial shovel in one hand and hammer in the other.
Morgoth has been booked too strong and he decided that Fingolfin would be able to surpass him in politic game backstage. So he went and buried him forever. And never again have we seen someone as bright as Fingolfin.
Fuck, brings a tear to my eye.

Attached: fingolfin.jpg (560x546, 65K)

Except it wasn't clean.

forgot to add

Let's not get carried away too much with this angle.
He was a glorified spellcasting wraith at the height of his power and that's it.

Attached: 5Nc1ltU.jpg (900x1348, 103K)

Still the jannetty swerve to Big Dimes Hamlet youtu.be/0waVOnG-PEw

>"So let's talk about this next battle...The Havens of Sirion! We've got the Sons of Feanor turning heel again, STILL chasing the Silmarils...walk us through it Dave."
"They did the kinslaying angle again!"
>"Yep... They did."
"I just - I just can't believe they'd do the kinslaying again! It uh, it just feels like they just did that same angle not too long ago... It can't have been that long since they last time they did it"
>"Let's see here...it's been...32 years! 32 years since Doriath where the Second Kinslaying happened."
"32?! Woooow. Only 32? Wow, okay. That's, uh, that's even less than I thought. I can't believe they did it. I just can't believe that's the direction they took..."
>"So let me just ask one thing: who's getting over here?"
"Nobody! Nobody is getting over. They've been trying to get Maedrhos over as a top heel for a while, but you know, they keep turning him so he loses all his heat. And they're trying, with Earendil and Elwing, to groom them into that power couple position, to be the next Beren and Luthien, but they're just not getting over. They're not even as over as Turin and he had that weird incest angle!"
>"So what I'm getting here is that these kinslaying swerves don't work anymore."
"Well, you know, the first time...that it happened...it was really good! It was, uh, totally unexpected and Feanor got a ton of heat-"
>"Dude! The guy had so much heat that his body turned to ashes. It was awesome!"
"Yeah, yeah that was really really good. And then the second time, at Doriath, you know, it wasn't AS good, but it was still good. Beren and Luthien were super over, so it got a great reaction, but then they never followed through with it..."
>"Yeah...So moving on, let's talk about this Ancalagon thing..."

Attached: le meltz.jpg (960x620, 27K)

>Ancalagon thing
Last part made me laugh user, thank you so very much

based and noldorpilled


I have a sudden urge to give you 11.99