Where are my BotSJ chads at?

Where are my BotSJ chads at?
Good shit so far tbqhwy.

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You now remember Chris sabin is injured.

When will it be Sho's time

It's been the weakest of the NJPWORLD Era. The last 3 years have been much better.

I mean I think a letdown from last year was impossible to avoid with all the lost talent, not to mention Despy getting injured.

>20+ minute matches every show
miss me with that gay shit

>Shingo wins the tournament and then the belt
>SHO beats him for the strap
>Shingo goes heavy
>SHO becomes the certified new junior ace

SHO is bypassing all that. He's being groomed to replace Tana

Its been a good tournament so far, I have nothing bad to say about it

He's too smol. Leave that to Umino

SHO looks like he's bulking up already. Shota is good too. They could be future Tana/ibushi

>Douki, Phantasmo, Bushi and Marty shitting up matches
>ROH Nigger on commentary

Worst BOSJ in years so far.

Sho, Umino, and Narita are three I see as big stars in the coming years.

Bushi is based, fuck off


I'm enjoying it but it's staggering how much better it would be if they just put Clark Connors and uemura in bandido and elps spots. those two are performing horribly.

Will Ospreay Vs. Rocky Romero was a fucking FANTASTIC match.
Was so surprised at how good it was.
I'd go as far as saying it was as good as Sho Vs. Shingo.

This. Rocky is underrated as fuck.

ELP is doing okay, Bandido though, drizzling shits.

i'm sure it's a good tournament but i'm just bored of wrestling
i'll watch the final

he's probably at least a year, probably 2 away from a successful singles run

>i'm sure it's a good tournament but i'm just bored of wrestling
Me too but I can't just waste the subscription money so I just endure 3 hours of wrestling every single day.

>Me too but I can't just waste the subscription money so I just endure 3 hours of wrestling every single day.
Only 3 hours?

Real talk, I love NJPW a ton but I'm so far behind on shows. Between work, working out, and vidya, I haven't had the chance to watch actively. Heck I haven't finished Dontaku yet. I know I can skip the first couple of matches but I like seeing the Young Lions. Anyways thankfully it's only $8 a month to not too bad. And yeah I can have it open on my 2nd monitor whilst playing vidya but it's not the same

This. Was cheering for my nigga Rocky so hard by the end

Why is Taguchi main eventing B-block?

Yeah I mean I'm a big Ospreay fan because I'm English, but towards the end of the match I was fully behind Rocky because I honestly didn't know he could wrestle like that and I was so fucking impressed with how well he worked that match.

Because him vs Ospreay is on the final night of B block, and him and Ospreay are going to be equal/1 win from each other by then. Ospreay is going to the finals vs Shingo. Ospreay/Taguchi from 2016 was a really great match, and they are running that as the B block final.

Can we agree that Dragon Lee is literally the Shibata's first unofficial young lion?

What time tonight?

>Doesnt wrestle like Shibata at all

It's amazing how good Lee is at strong style giving the fact that he trained as a luchador and those stylea are so different

Why? Because he does the corner dropkick spot?

Wears his outfit, does a lot of his spots like sitting and demanding your kicks, and does way more striking than he used to. Are you watching his matches? lmao

Based SHO

he just gets it

hey bros
i haven't had time to watch a single show yet so i'm like 5 shows behind or something
what can i safely skip to get caught up? what is must watch?
can i skip the first half of all the shows and go straight to the BOSJ matches?

Yeah skip the tags, some have been good but nothing if you are strict on time.

Watch Sho/Shingo, Sho/Lee, Ospreay/Bushi, Ospreay/Rocky, Robbie/Rocky, Robbie/Narita, Yoh/Taguchi. and from tonight check out Sho/Taka, Titan/Taiji, Lee/Gresham and the Shingo/Kanemaru main event was fucking awesome.

my dude

this but just Sho vs Takagi