Will there ever be another black WWE champion after how hard he flopped?

Will there ever be another black WWE champion after how hard he flopped?

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my nigga dream

How could Vince let someone with a chest like that be world champ?


That guy from the Street Profits or Velveteen Meme

There will come a champion who is so great it will not matter his race, his color, his creed, for he shall be the champion that shall unite us all with his mere presence he will burn away the resentment and hatred fans have for WWE.

He is DREAM. His kingdom shall come. Thy hatred undone..

white people get 10000 chances to fuck up, black people get one. really makes ya think

Montez, want to leave to AEW.

No, Kofi just fucked up but other blacks will come who are infinitely better than he is. Ricochet and Dream can easily clean up for the shit that Kofi dumped.


Bobby still has a chance if they give him the Lesnar gimmick
Dream maybe

Niggers don’t draw brother

isn’t Ricochet Iranian or something?
Lashley is a literal charisma vacuum

Kofi and Bryan had the match of the night at WM. What more do you want?

>isn’t Ricochet Iranian or something?
he's just a half and half

Everything good in the feud and match was solely due to Bryan.

Workrate doesn't draw, brother.

If a fucking octoroon can be black than Ricochet can be black.

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Nope. That is exactly why Vince did it.

And his name was the Rock. What's your point?

What the fuck

Kofi and Bryan both pulled their weight equally, especially Kofi since apparently Bryan’s eco-warrior gimmick was banned around Elimination Chamber. From Elimination Chamber to WM, Vince and Kofi was the feud more than Kofi and Bryan.

will there ever be another black president after how hard he flopped?

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When I was watching Wrestlemania I remembered misc's obsession with pec insertions and superior black genetics

>avoid booking a black person to be your WWE champion for sixty years
>put the belt on some old ass midcard shitty gear terrible body comedy job fuck, but he's black
>nobody cares
>"Blacks don't draw brother"
Fuck off. Big E should have won the strap years ago. Look, charisma, mic skills, he had it all.

Yes, the next time a whitey offends Reddit and the WWE needs to put the title on a Black person just to shut them up.


Velveteen Dream, probably.

The Dream should have been the first black wwe champ, Kofi's bird chest is flat out cringe

In what metric did he flop?

For the last fucking time, The Rock is samoan and this debate shit needs to stop already.

I stopped watching weekly shows since this simp became champ

How does something like this happen

You got this last time the Left was pushed hard enough, imagine whats coming after Donnie

Lowest ever ratings.

Until the next lowest ever rating, yeah? Like Roman, Dean and Rollins got? You can't blame one guy for a TV show that's horseshit.

>Lashley is a charisma vacuum
So is Brock

This. Hes the only based nigger on that roster. Almost feels bad to call him such. Almost.

But who is going to mouth for bobbo with 205 jive getting future endeavored

>You can't blame one guy for a TV show that's horseshit.
Unless that guy is Vince.

Lmao fuck this gay,cocky nigger shitter. Cannot wait till this stupid twink moolie gets called up to the main roster to get fucking buried like he deserves to be

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Imagine hating one of the only decent characters in all of wrestling currently. Unironically worked

Drake Maverick

Montez Ford and Velveteen Dream.

my nigga Dream

Always this fucking cultist hypnotism from the Cryanistas.

>Mister Piss who already made AOP total jokes
>Managing Lashley
I honestly can see this.

But The Rock was so great that IT DOESN'T MATTER that he was Samoan ya ding-dong-diddley simp!

t. retard

>we wuz samoanz n shiet

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t. 56% "Black" guy

Will there ever be another meme president after how hard he flopped?

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you keep saying that but you know ain't true you just seething that donny boy is making your black jesus look like dubya