Based Dave standing up for my rights.
He's right
alabama governor is a woman tho
>Meltz still in damage-control after the Peyton incident
>if you don't want the kid then lol hard luck pay me for the next 18 years
>if i don't want the kid it dies
based men deciding to even the playing field
boycott women
Why is no one mentioning the chinese right click menu
Are there chinese shills on Yea Forums what OS even is that
No one gives a fuck about new japan
Based Big Dick Dave supporting a womans right to choose.
Pretty sure a living child with a heartbeat is not a female body part.
oh noo you have to take responsibility and not get pregnant fugg this is so unfair why cant you kill a baby!!
You are correct. A baby and a mother are, in fact, two separate organisms.
Based. Fuck anti-abortion Christcucks.
Typical kike
Only a freak of nature would support abortion desu
But didn't a woman pass the law?
>this thread
roastie seething
time has come for you to take some adult responsibility
>state claims life is sacred
>also has death penalty
Death penalty is bibical. Abortion isn't. Death penalty makes sense desu.
>kill criminals who kill innocent people, so as to deter yet more people from killing
>kill a baby in the womb because the mother wanted to rawdog, but doesn't want to get fat
what about the babys body
He’s right you know
>equating killing an innocent baby and someone who has done something so horrible it warrants the death penalty
What about the unborn baby's body though?
>Any laws that had any involvement by a woman shouldn't be applicable to men
This is why we shouldn't have let women out of the house. They spew illogical emotional bullshit like this. Thanks god i'm gay
Separation of church and state ya ratty cunt
Rawdogging and not getting fat are based simp
Its literally Jews doing this.
Also worship me gaychad
>lawmakers shouldn't make laws because of their sex
get a load of this sexist asshole
based racist leftists
>tranny thinks it'll have babies
This is true and it's important to remember. But we can also make laws about not murdering babies so get fucked whores.
>Separation of church and state
Do you even know what that means?
leftists think it means they can tax churches for some reason
Honestly fuck kids
Abort everyone desu
>woman signing bill
>men making laws about womens body
what did meltz mean by this
Too bad sweetie
Ya got worked, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I guess I should learn not to take politicians' words at face value ever
Does Satanism have a doctrine about allowing abortion? If so it's still protected under it
What say does a man have in the decision, what if I want to keep my son/daughter or what if I don't a child with her cus she's just a money grubbing whore or plain unlikable. Do men get no say in either decision??
have sex
I worship no one except the one true god. Other than that we can kick it :).
I am pro-choice and support abortion (fuck the idea of bringing more unwanted children into this world), but I hate how some of the extreme pro-choice activists try to pretend they're not killing unborn babies and denounce any objection to their stance as being anti-women or misogynist when plenty of women happen to be pro-life and don't like the idea of unborn babies having their tiny brains scrambled.
I will eventually, but not with you trannysexual.
he assumes that women cant make their own decisions about women because hes pro woman
honk honk
Based understanding both sides user
When slits are as capable as chads, I'll care what they have to say
A black evangelical anti-abortion group actually tried using this to dissuade people from supporting abortions, but what happened was that places where the radio ad was run, support for abortion actually increased.
mint meltzer killing nogs
Doesn't matter how much support there is to break a constitutional right
what did he do now?
i'm pro choice just because i prefer abortions be safe for the few women who would get them legal or not even if that mans more women get abortions. I don't care whether or not a fetus is alive but i understand why people find the idea of it immoral. at the end of the day it would be better if every one had access to contraception and good sex education but for now abortions are if anything a necessary evil.
Which I guess leads me to bring up this question: is it still the woman's fault for not taking the initiative and tell the man to either bust his nut inside her with a condom on (unlikely in reality, because of the whole "extra work needed" during sex, or to bust on on some other part of her body (or just "spill the seed")?
He said Weighton should lose weight or something and Twitter naturally had a meltdown
doesn't matter
Consent for raw sex should mean consent for having a baby. Intrinsically tied.
>have sex
Kill all babies. Fuck 'em. They're not even real until after 36 weeks anyway. Prolifers don't even give a fuck about kids once they're born, you never see them talk about donating to the hundreds of underfunded adoption homes. Or to help make child support services more readily available.
Until you christcucks get your invisible friend's invisible dick out of government, I'm gonna keep knocking up bitches and killing them babies
Based nigger killer
After Peyton got implants, he made some sort of comment about gaining weight, which the softer skulled people of the world thought was fatshaming, when in actuality she was trying to say she got work done without using the actual words. Now he's overcompensating when it comes to anything involving women.
What about the beaner children Blumpf put in cages and got torn away from their families? Pro-lifers didn't give a fuck.
Leftism is a mental disorder and women have far too many rights. Their father or husband should be making all their decisions for them. If they pick a shitty guy and end up with a shitty life, then that's on them.
It's OK for women to vote for the welfare state that men make possible, though.
Unironically what goes on in the mind of someone this stupid. It must be peaceful to be this blissfully retarded
Is America a secular society?
Gotta love how conservatives instantly develop empathy when abortions are brought up.
It's not even an empathy thing. It's just so blatantly fucked up your a sociopath if you disagree
I hope we end up with sharia law in America.
Allowing women to vote was the point in which Western Civilization was doomed.
Gotta love how liberals only pretend to be compassionate so they can feel good about themselves and superior to others.
I hate islam/muslims, but if it means I never have to hear shit like this from w*men again. Then i'll buy a prayer mat from amazon ASAP.