Bases n band aid pilled

Bases n band aid pilled

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Only asp can bury wholesome shit

oh my god... that's... incredible.. i.. i have no words... faith in humanity: restored..

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This nigger needs some actual problems. White people need to give niggers shit to worry about again instead of feeding and clothing them.

It's fucking band-aid, who cares about it's color?
I swear those fucking niggers have no brains.

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>this nigga ding-dong diddly cry about some nigga bandaid shit


holy fuck that wordfilter cracked me up.

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We wuz band aids an shiet


that's kinda cool actually.

Are bandaids supposed to be skin coloured? I'm white as fuck and have never had a bandaid that matched my skin tone. I wouldn't want it to either, like, am I supposed to be ashamed of having a bandaid on?
This is some weird shit.



>like, am I supposed to be ashamed of having a bandaid on?
Yes, bandaids are for children, real men bleed on everything

Jewish brainwashing has done a number on these people, my God. Actually sad to see. It's not his fault.

No one has succumbed to Jewish mind tricks more than whitey, literally bestest goy tier

Fuck this! Next they'll want whites paying their hospital bills (spoiler alert, we do already!)

Cringe, do you even pay taxes off your Walmart salary

>real men bleed on everything
That would be women, actually.

Nah blacks are definitely worse. The average twitter white? Sure. But most whites IRL are still kinda redpilled. Blacks are notoriously brainwashed even irl. Even the "smart" ones..

>doesn't have good platelet functions
hah, pleb.

white people confirmed mint

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