Our Chad Finn
Our Chad Finn
Kinda based but they have BEEN fuckin
Oh no no no Finn's taking her to Big E
Finn took the "sensitive male" pill.
He's Irish, man. He probably was raised Catholic. He hates Americans more than you can imagine.
But he likes sex, and by pretending to be a gay-friendly progressive, he gets laid. Lots of dudes try to pull it off but can't (see: most white Americans on Twitter).
Mexicans taking over, brother
He's a genuinely nice guy. He was friends with Enzo when no one else wanted anything to do with him.
>sensitive male
If he was 6'0, he'd be the MegaChad
why would he need to be megachad when he's already pulling dimes? this manlet pretty much kills the chad gimmick. shouldn't this bitch be fucking with reigns or someone 6+ and not this 5 foot nothing midget?
Reigns is a happily married man of God
Finn is bisexual you retard