Would he draw in wrestling?

Would he draw in wrestling?

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he's a midget

They have a better version of him on the roster already (Cesaro) and he doesn't draw, so no.

i can see this dude putting on a clinic in the main events

cesaro can't talk for shit and looks too nice to be taken seriously

But Statham is a manlet which is even worse.

>looks too nice to be taken seriously

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So are Flair and Michaels and they're usually mentioned in GOAT convos all the time. statham is dimes version of cesaro

They're both significantly taller than Statham. Statham would look small in 205 Live even.

it's in the eyes, he just doesn't look convincing enough to be taken seriously. plus seeing him on upupdowndown really takes away from his tough guy aura. dudes a total geek. did i mention he's trash on the mic (which is what mostly matters anyways)

They just need to have Statham be Cesaro's stunt double for promos and he'll be the perfect cyborg

>seeing him on upupdowndown really takes away from his tough guy aura
This is true, I'm surprised someone that looks like he does is such a fucking geek. Being born with a Chad body and a virgin brain is one of the weirdest things

michaels and flair are nowhere in the 6ft range, so they're manlets by default. statham is maybe an inch of two smaller, but who cares because he can wear lifts like the rest of them. statham looks like a legit psychopath compared to cesaro. cesaro couldn't even get the hitman gimmick over.

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If they're all wearing lifts Statham is still 2 inches shorter than everyone else. You really didn't think this through, did you?

>Statham is 5’10”
>Michaels was 5’10” was in his prime
>Flair is 5’9”

>thinking his height matters when daniel bryan and aj are like 5'6/7.

A complete shitter who wants to be an 80s action star like Arnie despite having none of his charisma or presence. Is to 80s action stars what Triple H was to Flair.

I'd unironically watch Gail Kim's husband beat the (fake) shit out of people

>when a talk show host is more jacked than 90% of the currest wwe roster


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Midgets are the draw now

He'd probably stop being jacked if he had to travel 300 days a year desu.

>arnie having charisma

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