How could WWE do this?

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Based and maskpilled

Weed out the pussies.

That kid should have sex.

based Bray

Hey OP, why are you posting a tweet which has zero likes and zero retweets? Why did you crop that out?

Attached: twitter.png (610x361, 74K)

Hi heather

She should be concerned about her own parenting if her 9 year old is scared shitless by a spooky mask. I'd expect that of a 6 year old not a 4th grader.

>getting werked by the fed in le current year

But that was the point. He's supposed to be scary

That kid needs to harden the fuck up. I was watching slasher films alone at home for fun at 9.

wtf I love WWE now

I got scared watching teen wolf when I was around 6. I walked in during the bathroom scene when he changes to the wolf and cried like a little pussy..

I'm a man now and I like that movie and have watched many times since.

>carder and kane did the same ten billion years ago
>its ok
>someone does it now
>its not ok
what did they mean by this

>"I like it buuuuuut my kid doesn't"

There were moms back then writing to WWE and calling to its phone with the same problems.
Have you never ever read some odl bird's complaints about woman showing too much skin on the screen?

>IT TV special
>That other Stephen King book to movie where a housekeeper gets turned into a beehive
>Killer Clowns From Outer Space and the Tales of the Crypt series on the SciFi channel
Zoomers will never understand

>the mom in me hates you for this

If your kid is 9 years old and scared by a retarded mask, you have failed as a parent. What did they expect from Bray?

I can only imagine all the rasslin nerds sperging at the comments.

Kid got worked into a shoot, doesnt stand a chance in this business

Wonder what this dumb bitch would think of the Attitude Era

Based Bray working the single mom simps who can't raise their kids

Why do people allow kids to watch people literally beating other people up? I would say 13 is the minimum age for that.

13 is too old to be finding Raw entertaining though, so it's a tough one.


Candyman! That shit got me good as a kid.

sheesh. they better clean up their act before they lose another viewer and are down to 6

The Wyatt segment aired after 10pm, why was a nine year old still up watching Raw after 10pm on a school night? Try being a proper parent instead of a dipship "cool mom" .

when I grew up 13 was the age everybody started thinking wrestling is gay as fuck after they had been watching since age 5

He's 9?
My nephew is 6 and he watches horror shit all the time. Nearly every kid in the 80s and 90s did.
Don't give me that "kids these days are pussies" crap. Most of his friends from school are into cool horror shit as well. I bought him Dead By Daylight for Easter.

>thing that is supposed to be scary for kids scared my kid!
>my response to this is to blame the TV show I let my child watch on him being scared instead of properly dealing with it myself
This kid will now forever be known for being scared of fake wrestling because his mom is an idiot, pretty based.

>Why do people allow kids to watch people literally beating other people up?
So they dont grow up into soya boys

>9 years old
>At age 10, Nicholas was winning his first championship title on the Grandest Stage of Them All, at Wrestlemania

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Sure, all the half naked chicks and simulated violence is ok for a 9 year old, but god forbid he sees a scary mask. Also shame on Bray for making her kid feel an emotion, she pays doctors good money to keep him pilled up to prevent those.

At some point WWE will have to decide to what audience they are trying to target, they cannot try to target all of them at the same time, ratings will continue to collapse with this shit leadership

a mask like that is a small matter but actual horror content at 6 is just bad parenting
