Aims to be less “soapy” and more based on athletics and in-ring competition

>Aims to be less “soapy” and more based on athletics and in-ring competition.

>Wrestlers have more control over their characters.

>Real time statistics including win/loss rate, move damage, as you track wrestlers rise to the championship.

Vince's "Sports Entertainment" eternally BTFO, American PRO WRESTLING is finally BACK.

Attached: TNT-AEW.png (1200x1200, 21K)

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Kek who wants to watch matches without a story

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>move damage
am I retarded and interpreting this wrong or are they legit saying wrestling moves will be given a power level?

It will have story you fucktard, did matches before the garbage "golden era" lack story? No.

Too bad wrestlers doesnt look like wrestlers and the style is not what pro wrestling foundation was built on. I rather watch circus than sub 6 foot guys doing flips.

>Real time statistics including win/loss rate
awful idea for pro wrestling everyone has to lose some time
>move damage
cringe what the fuck are you talking about
they're going to have hitpoints?
that's fucking awful

They litterly say it won't be soapy. How will they have stories?

ya seethe?

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that's all you fucking marks argue about
fucking faggots you should embrace this shit

You can have stories and still not be "soapy". Doesn't UFC have stories? Doesn't NFL have stories? Doesn't Breaking Bad have stories?
You just grew up on one specific type of wrestling. There are other possibilities.

New Japan tells its stories in-ring, and doesn't rely on "soapy" promos or other bullshit, maybe the occasional video package. That's probably what they mean

you can have in ring storytelling like NJPW
instead of opening every show with a half hour of talking by Baron Corbin or the McMahons

>has to lose some time
Yes. They have to. But if you make the losses mean something (see ending Undertake streak), you will elevate person who gets the win.

Never drew a dime in American soil after kayfabe was fully out the window. Thats why AE was so succesful, they embraced the fact that they were a soap opera.

I wasn't saying it's a bad idea I am just surprised they would do something so expositional. Nothing wrong with trying new things I suppose....


No, it´s so easy as to have an internal system where all the wrestlers know how the moves must be sold, and not giving to the audience a ridiculous spot fest

Literally Plebbit: the syndication
>Built off ripping off the work of the original (Yea Forums)
>Focus on workrate (on topic discussion) over entertainment (shitposting)
>Diversity first
>Grandiose view of themselves, believes they will "change the world"
Any argument you can make about supporting AEW you can make about supporting Plebbit over Yea Forums, so maybe you should head on home

>Too bad wrestlers doesnt look like wrestlers

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>He kicked out of FIVE F5s!?
yea, super new numbnuts

At least the circus midgets are charismatic

yes i'm not nine so i understand how writing works. displaying a win/loss record is fucking stupid though. should we have the fact that jericho lost to naito to get a title shot in NJPW be rubbed in our face on screen during the build up? you fucking imbecile

so you’re saying AEW will be more successful than WWE?

the idea of wrestling moves having varying degrees of power is obviously not new, stupid nigger. but for them to put POINTS or a SCORE on moves outside of a video game isn't something you see every day

Reminder Sammartino was like shoot 5'8 and he was the biggest draw of all time still is to be honest in burgerland

That sounds awful. Soap opera draws.

>never drew a dime
WCW drew major dimes and weren't always a shitty soap-opera show with "edgy" garbage like WWF

Well, sure this look moronic but they MUST do something different
A wwe indielite can only crash and burn

nWo was fucking kino soap opera every week

This sounds like WMAC Masters except really dumb.

plebbit aka r/squaredcircle is basically r/wwe, so whatever retarded point you're trying to make is moot.

And most of the stories were in the ring and in-ring interviews/segments not a promo with Hulk Hogan watching the fucking TV backstage with his arms crossed

towards the end it was cringey soap opera yes but not when it was in its prime

But they had these guys. Now compare this to geeks like Young Bucks.

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Yes but it has transgendered shit and other cúck shit. I'll stick to not watching wrestling.

I ain't a fortune teller, approaching different industries with similar tactics has varying results

Wow, watch it do under a million viewers

TNT is prime-time television numskull, it'll be upwards of 2 Million viewers

The overarching story is "the competitors want to work their way up the ranks and become champion", what's difficult to grasp about that?

Not with their roster. You smarks are really delusional.

I can't wait to see Joey Ryan's real life sports based dick offense and Manlet Scurll flap his wings into victory

You are a smark, mate. So I guess you are delusional as well?

yikes imagine being this delusional. It might do good numbers for the first few weeks due to curiosity and then a constant decrease, at best plateauing

Didn't they just sold out madison square garden while being dragged down by ROH?

Are you ready for Monday Night Wars, Part 2?

What does drawing ~20k arena on WM weekend has to do with getting 2 million people in front of TV screen?

the only one delusional is you e-fags that think everything needs to apply to WWE's business ethnic and/or logic, prepare to get blown the fuck out

absolutely based
crigne and copepilled

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oh boy like clockwork with the rent free seethe

>Move damage

Holy fucking cringe. Yeah sure look forward to seeing Young Bucks Cirque de Soleil shit taking 1hp off their opponent.

ya coping? ya fuming?

Slightly less enthused about this now. Just sounds like it's going to be like every other smarky workrate bingo hall promotion.

>Real time statistics including win/loss rate, move damage, as you track wrestlers rise to the championship.


kenny with the bantz

>The promotion will be based around winning a shitty plastic toy
LOL this is why no one takes wrestling seriously

And you are just getting angry at one sentence.
Remember when you saw "everyone will get paid the same" and made dozens of threads how Britt Baker will be paid same as Jericho?
Why are you cherry picking something to be angry about it? Who hurt you? Have you picked up a girl in a bar just to discover "she" packs a giant cock?

No, im not the one going to his defense mechanism of yelling E DRONES and WWE

E drones do it every week so ask them.

It won't.
Because workrate bingo halls are workrate bingo halls out of necessity. It is to draw money out of their local fanbase and booking wrestlers without any semblence of story and hoping some of their local guys are able to be interesting enough to build a story and main event with a story match and not workrate match later.
But if they do - nobody outside of their local fanbase ever talks about it. Why? because nobody else follows the story from the beggining to the end.

That’s my dream date

Not an argument.

I knew this would happen. Tony Khan is literally lifelong marksheet reader and this will be BTFO just as much as his relegaged football league.

hi redd*tard. No you aren't fitting in

Holy fucking seething

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leave your basement nigger

>move damage

What kinda gay shit is that?!

Is it that hard to protect your finisher? Randy's been doing it since he was 19. It's simple, just tell your opponent...

>"You can kick out of whatever you want, even my special moves, but when I hit my finisher, you're done period. If you're gonna win tonight, I don't hit my finisher."

It's that simple.

redd*t spacing

Scott hall did that first

So he studied the wrestling buisness his whole life? Surely he will fail at the wrestling buisness

Sorry bro I have enchanted wrestling trunks that give me +5 defense against stunner-type damage *crit slaps my thigh*

>move damage
holy kek not even wwe are this retarded

>taking shitposting seriously

Only the second thing sounds based tho.

less soap shit is also based unless you're a women or a fag who soys out over that garbage

Yeah. Show me data that le 5 star workrate matches is the key to mass audience. Smarks are like 0.00001% of the possible audience available.

Wrestling and angles are tied together

>Oh it's shitposting now

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Japan is proof of that

Just watch mma stupid faggot.

>attitude era was literal soap opera for men with 10 mil people watching

What did he mean by this? But I know AEW will have soap opera, they cant just have pure wrestling every week and draw viewers

Japan is the furthest thing removed from US.

This is AMERICAN TV. Not Japan where wrestling culture is completely different.

Gooks dont count as people

>keeps bumping the tread
>I-I-I'm not taking w-w-worked I s-swear!!
ya worked, ya seething, ya ding-dong diddly coping basedboy

>"the competitors want to work their way up the ranks and become champion"
So the same story WWE has twice (thrice if you count NXT) a week?

>completely moves the goalpost

Problem with WWE is that they are not soapy enough.

You can't compare PAC to Sammartino

>>Aims to be less “soapy” and more based on athletics and in-ring competition.

This is not going to work.

WCW was absolutely a soap opera at its peak. The whole arc of WCW vs. NWO, Sting vs. Hogan, DDP vs. Macho Man, it was a giant soap opera. Did you actually watch it?

Literally just watch any individual sporting contest then? Nobody is going to care about a fake competition if this is all you are offering. This isnt japan (where btw wrestling is also niche as fuck)

>I watch fake fighting for the fake athletics even though I know it's fake and several real alternatives readily exist
Sort your life out, homie

think i'm done with this cringe shit

AEW is basically WWE-Lite lmao

You were never watching to begin with my man.

>Real time statistics including win/loss rate
Doesn’t matter when everyone knows this shit is fake

>Aims to be less “soapy” and more based on athletics and in-ring competition.
Wrestling isn't a sport. It's a TV show. Cody is fucking clueless as usual.
>Wrestlers have more control over their characters.
Oh boy get ready for more unbridled Joey Ryan penis spots
>Real time statistics including win/loss rate, move damage, as you track wrestlers rise to the championship
Wrestlers today can't sell anyway so this shit will just expose them more


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>fan of indie vanilla midget flippy shit calls other people faggy soys
I bet you also were extremely shook about what Lars said!

>>Aims to be less “soapy” and more based on athletics and in-ring competition.
dead on arrival

i've been watching for 20 years for some fucking reason

holy fucking workedola! the capital STATE of Yea Forumsies right now
I meant every word, keep seething faggots

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you apparently since you watch WWE

>gives out 5 (you)s


>>Aims to be less “soapy” and more based on athletics and in-ring competition.

Are you a literal infant?

>literal "n-no u"
Dude, that was weak af

Based. This sounds gay af

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>American PRO WRESTLING is finally BACK.


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Nobody wants to watch fake fighting with no characters or story. I couldn't give less of a fuck about "in ring competition" when I watch UFC every weekend for real competition

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Smarks are so overweight, out of touch and autistic that they think taking their playfighting bouts extra seriously is what will draw in normie crowds. They fundamentally do not understand why people watch competitive sports.


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These nerds think everything is going to immediately be like Okada's record breaking run with Kenny chasing him or Shibata and Goto turning from tag team champs to fighting over the NEVER title
The problem is you need the history of the titles and the wrestlers and that takes time. They are quite literally building everything from the ground up and you can't manufacture shit like prestige and trials/tribulations

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>no characters or story

We're not talking about WWE.

remember the soap opera of the outsiders killing the steiner brothers?

You're right. PAC is a way better wrestler and better known internationally.


>no characters or story
that's not what we're getting you autist, just less cringe soap opera

No they don't retard. Only Breaking Bad. Tell me the story of Andrew Vollert (football player) without using wikipedia. I bet you don't even watch real sports because the reality hits you that you'll never be able to do what they do, so you watch fat boys and twinks jump and catch each other to feel epic. Kys, mark.

>Who Japan draws weebs and Japs who read backwards and think Mega Man putting a hat on is entertaining and funny.
