Why didnt scott hall stay thick

why didnt scott hall stay thick

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how do I achieve this body?

Holy cow he looks ticc as hell, are there any pictures of his butt?


He wanted to get better in the ring, Hennig trained him and he trained Curt how to get bigger

Because that's not a wrestling body.
Ric Flair was thick too, but he slimmed down because a wrestler's body needs to be supple.
Those muscular guys like Steiner can barely move.

I need more specifics

Hit the weights
Take a shower
Get a clue


I've done the first two, the last one will be tough. Gonna need even more specifics.

Oh hi Dave Meltzer. What's the matter not enough flips for ya?

I need to ask first: have you ever sought out employment at a Waffle House?


Then it should come naturally with time.

but what workouts should I do to achieve this body?

Eat a shit-ton of good meat and lift heavy objects till thicc enough

Gigantic faggot

Roid hard and unironically gain height

I'll get on that
blessed to be 6'5

Switched from steroids and meat to booze and cocaine.

>blessed to be 6'5
Based, now to the roids

Attached: nash raped showers.jpg (1064x798, 272K)


He's said himself he was roided to the gills around this time, not only did it benefit him athletically to lose some mass but he came into the WWF just as steroid tests were picking up. Literally never would have got hired if he hadn't slimmed down, as weird as that sounds for Vince.

I remember him saying he was doing a shit ton of HGH and test at this time in a shoot interview.

HA Scott Hall wearing glasses like that guy from A Different World

Looks a lot cooler with the slim Tarzan physique