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PCO fucking sucks.

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>kiddy-fiddling nonce
left to right of course

PCO is the only good thing about current ROH

I fucking hate this stable. Like most ROH stables the guys have nothing in common and seems to have been just thrown together at random.

always sucked

but now is killing himself for pennies, so indiefags like him until they find something else

Literally the only reason anyone should watch ring of honor

I wish more people on Yea Forums knew that Marty Scurll had sex with a 15 year old girl a while ago and is a danger.

Wait... What?!

I love watching Marty Scurll flounder without The Elite. He's such a talentless shitter. So much so that they had to hastily throw a stable together for him to hide him from exposure.

PCO got a great match out of Taven which I didn't think was possible

Him and kenny omega are part of the secret pedophile ring in wrestling.

Do you have a valid source to back up your claim? This is a serious accusation and if true omega can go F*ck himself, i honestly feel sad and disappointed. The bucks should stay away from him, they look underage but they are adults with cute faces.

wtf i love marty now

based marty wtf

Marty has had the worst match of the BOSJ so far. He was moving like fucking molasses in his match with gresham. These morons thought that doing PWG meme grappling would get their match heated in bumfuck nowhere japan. Fucking idiots.

I think just PCO and Brody as a tag team could find some legs and a story with good booking but yeah I have no clue why they're with Marty Scurlletty

reddit started a pedo rumor and it caught on

yeah im also seething that the elite cucked NJPW

dubs of truth

Not reddit rumour. Britwres "rumour".