| Alexa Bliss General | Money in the Bank EDITION |

Previous thread: Formerly /spiteful/ and /goddess/

•Social Media•

•Alexa Bliss Merch•

•Alexa's title wins•

•Images and WEBMs•

Attached: bliss_mitb.jpg (400x267, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Alexa > Sasha

Fake thread


Based. Post ass.


I was pretty sure she was going to win MITB when I read the spoilers and saw she sat out the 4way match but having watched it her standing tall on the ladder on the go home show afterwards throws in a bit of doubt.


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Bayley is winning it sadly

Alexis Kaufman was born August 9th, 1991 in Columbus, Ohio. She is of German Jewish descent. Although Jewish, it is unknown whether or not she practices Judaism.

Want to cum on her feet

Nobody cares about that ugly thing

I think they want to have an actual feud between her and Becky at some point.

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She's settling into her new boobs here

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Nope. Nikki is helping her win.

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She needs to settle into my face.


>that little wiggle at the end

What's her odds of winning this sunday lads?

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Mandy Rose: +225
Bayley: +275
Ember Moon: +300
Alexa Bliss: +700
Natalya: +1200
Naomi: +1200
Dana Brooke: +1000
Carmella: +1000

These are the current odds

>he’s so autistic that he has to be the thread starter and sperg out when someone else does it and doesn’t use his script
upset that wwe shop hasn’t started stocking 7xl shirts, spanky? this should make you feel a little better

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Mandy Rose? Hmmm

Source of pic?

Odds this far out dont mean shit. Odds had Natalya winning last year until it flipped to Bliss the day of the PPV.

Lexi needs to be on commentary more often
She's unironically better than Renee or Beth

Not saying they do. Just pointing out those are the current odds. Either way, I don't think they'd have Bliss win 2 years in a row and based on last night, a Bliss/nikki tag team could be happening.

I think they're going to give it to Bayley

I NEED her pits in my face

She isn't even gonna appear on the go-home SD episode unless it's a pre-taped 20 sec promo. She is working the Raw house show in Paris tonight.
So she could go 2 straight weeks not being on TV.
Doesnt really sound like someone they are thinking about giving the briefcase to.

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It won’t be Mandy, her and Sonya are the only heel tag team that aren’t a joke and are feuding with the gooks so she’s not getting a singles push

Also Cole and Graves

I miss her and Becky going back and forth on talking smack

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stinky jew

Or she might be the one hiding her gear and take her spot in the match to set up a feud

So she infiltrated an airline to steal Alexa's luggage?

Bliss set the whole thing up so she wouldn't have to wrestle so close to the ppv.

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When she was in college they called her the Lousiana Kitchen, because she served more brothas than Popeyes.

reminder that there’s a perfectly fine Bliss thread that was posted before this one here: please don’t enable the OP’s bad behavior; whenever he is rewarded for his crybaby tantrums, he makes life much harder for his caretakers who aren’t getting paid enough to deal with him. if you really want to help him, teach him that in life you don’t always get to have your own way and that it’s ok for others to have a turn.

She’ll do it again on Sunday and win the match. Bliss will then fight her for the briefcase at the next ppv and win it

>charm city gamer is back

Did you simps even watch raw? Bliss stt Nikki up to take her spot in the four way, the evil grin when Nikki showed up gives it away.

>Did you simps even watch raw?
I skim through the whole thing in 15 minutes instead of watching live desu

It was qt as fuck

Cross/Bliss tag team when

Attached: cross.gif (400x440, 2.58M)

>I am an american celebrity. Have some respect

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>thinks this makes people mad
>doesn't realize it just exposes him as a cuckold that sucks at photoshop

you have to go back

I NEED her to sit on my face.

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The best thing to do would have been to not to reply to my obvious bait post.If you're referring to Reddit. Sorry. Im not from there and never even posted there.


You know that gif is from Reddit. Right?

Amd how would you know that?
Go back.

>You know that gif is from Reddit. Right?
imagine knowing that, go back

You both go back and take your gif with you.

As a bong I was worked and seething

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shut up and post lexi's navel

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reminder that lexi is pure and not for sexuals

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>ywn have Alxea Bliss JOI where she bullies and degrades you for not cumming on command
It hurts bros

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So is the Bliss/Cross thing leading to the odd-couple duo Vince likes to do or a feud?

Probably odd couple thing at first, until Bliss' inevitable betrayal like with Nia Jax.

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I wish my face was that ladder
You think whatever crew guy put that ladder away had a whiff of it?

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Clean it up.

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>imagine making this

Post Blue Bliss!

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She is hot as fuck

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based Larry Steve calling the match

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If Nikki doesnt help her or try to help her win MITB that shit on Raw was pointless. They could have just waited a week to do it

Nikki should be her friend and drop the wacky shit for a while until Lexi makes her crack by betraying her

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Well they do pointless shit all the time

Peak Qtness

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looks amazing here


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We already know who's going to win.

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>Becky over Mandy

It's been getting linked on reddit

Natty over Charles made me laugh. The absolute state of Charles

Final 4 should have been Maryse, Mandy, Bliss of course and Maria.
But this explains everything.

Ez W for Bliss

where the shit is Scarlett Bordeaux. She’s the only one who could give /ourgirl/ a run

Only WWE women are in it

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lets get some little miss bliss for pedomod

oh now I see. Man wwe has some literally who’s under contract

man little bliss imagine what martin did lucky buddy

cinnamon and rent free


why are ratfags the easiest simps to work

cinnamon as fuck 2bh


Mint. I approve of this being the next cringe.

cinnamon and STEWING

i agree little cinnamon on little miss bliss maybe some logs in that stew

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Source? Who is it?

She could read from an Ikea manual with those facial expressions and I'd still be diamonds

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the only good thing in there are the good health pretzels

>Peanut Butter M&Ms
>Toll House
>Regular M&Ms

ywn get to clean up Lexis pigs shit for her

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Reminder that Bliss was a ringrat in her NXT days and probably now to be honest.

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>using a tumblr photoshop
>not knowing what a ring rat is



Ya seethe? Ya boil?

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Because it says "HEYTHEREDEILAAHHH TUMBLR" on it.

>He deleted his posts

She's not medically cleared for MITB


Brittle bitch bliss can't take another bump or she'll die

When did she even get injured? In her house show match with Becky?

She really is an in ring death waiting to happen isnt she?

It's a story line, you fucking simps.
The plan is to add Cross, why the fuck do you think she won the women 4 way at RAW?

Cope harder pedophile

I think you might be right, i don't even know how she would've been injured recently.
>this projection

If she is injured Beko did it. That was her last match, a house show match May 5th.

in case bliss didn’t recover in time? They had a back up ready to go? I doubt they’d intentionally not have her there, she’s a bigger draw.

wwe is going to begin shooting some family movies for netflix this summer. i wonder if bliss has a role in one of them and they have to make sure she stays healthy.

*clap, clap, clap*
*clap, clap, clap*
*clap, clap, clap*

>injured alexa climbing a ladder last monday
sound like a work guys

Alexa is the one I want to jerk off to in a porno. Pey Pey I would wife.

Sounds like it's not a concussion at least, there would be too much of a risk of her losing her balance to have her do that.

So they made her fly 16 hours to climb a ladder to get the briefcase knowing she was injured instead of just announcing it that day?

They could have flown her out there so she could meet with their doctors

If Nikki replaces her, it could he a storyline. If Sasha replaces her, she's legit injured

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Sasha is gone.

Nah. She lives in Orlando. Could have gone to the doctors at the PC.

Sasha re-tweeting and like AEW stuff, I don't think so

But they still wanted her to be part of the show. Thus the Nikki stuff. They probably evaluated her there, determined she wouldn't be cleared and audibled to Nikki

Ya except again that makes no sense. If they evaluated her they did it before the show, so why have her climb the ladder and pose with the briefcase knowing that she isn't gonna be in the match?
I get that WWE does nonsensical pointless shit all the time but seems odd to have a chick that isn't cleared climb up a 15-20 foot ladder, sit on the on the top of it and pose for pose for at least 30 seconds.

>i-it is a work guys

>Bliss was pulled for injury reasons, although the specific injury is unknown. We were told the injury wasn't serious and this was a precautionary call

It's probably her shoulder.

did she hurt it from carrying the women's division?

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That line Bliss gave on commentary about how Nikki winning meant she won seemed a bit specific.
If I didnt know how shit wwe was writing wise I'd think it was them planting a seed.

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I want to plant a seed in lexis tummy

Doesn't make sense. If it was a concussion they would have been precautionary yet they advertised her for that fatal four match days before Raw and even had her fly to London as if they thought she had a chance to be cleared for that match or even MITB given that they had her grab the briefcase... '
Concussion in WWE is like mandatory 2 weeks no in-ring activity even if you get cleared

Then it's not a concussion, a work or they're just that poorly run.

She had a shoulder injury last year, maybe she aggravated it.

I want you all to understand something.

And its better you accept it sooner than later...

Alexa Bliss will NEVER (not even ONCE) wrestle again in WWE.
i personally gaurantee you this.

In fact, if i am wrong, and she wrestles AT ALL, ever again, you may post this screenshot in the gamethread and i will IMMEDIATELY post a picture of myself putting a banana in my ass hole.

No joke.
Thats how sure i am.

Concussions are no joke, and clearly she isnt meant for this anymore.
This general should be closed soon, and mods, please take note:

Alexa bliss is NOT a wrestler and does not deserve a daily general because of this.

wwe wouldn't let her climb a 20 foot ladder and sit on the top if she had a concussion, simp.

The spacing was a nice touch. Really helps sell what you're going for.

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This. All the reports say it isn't serious.

If she does have a concussion and they really made her climb that ladder. Why the hell would you put someone with a brain injury in that position. Wasn't even just the going up part, there was the attached webm as well. Wouldn't look to good if you knew a 5 foot chick had a concussion and had her out there moving 20 foot ladders around and it slipped and caught her in the head.

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I hate that 'lel ima do the thing I have to do to win upcoming gimmick match on le go home show to show the audience how it works' thing that Vince is obsessed with.


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Ashley dies
Ric flair almost dead
Alexa career dead


If Alexa is removed there is no reason to watch the women's MiTB. There ain't a bird that can wrestle or one worth looking at.

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Dana and Mandy make ok substitute blondes for my viewing pleasure

>Alexa got Grave's
This thread is utterly done

>Alexa got Grave's

please tell me my fellow gothboi corey got to smash those sinful cheeks
means i have a chance

I think he meant 'Graved', as in injured out of in-ring work.
In all honesty I wouldn't mind. I'd take Alexa on commentary instead of Bart Simpson in a heartbeat.

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Reminder Alexa Bliss is good friends with Kane and takes his dick regularly

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Kane is a happily married man you degenerate.

like you wouldn't cheat with Alexa. her tight little petite body riding you while you talk about opportunity costs and auditing the fed. good shit

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>auditing the fed.
Careful there, user. They'll put you on a list for saying things like this.

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If she has had a concussion, having her climb a ladder seems pretty fucking stupid.

Supposedly it's not a serious injury and they just took her out of the match as a precaution.

That is from Meltzer. Other sources say it's a concussion.

>tfw no ember moon friend to send u food

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Nope. One person said that.

one died
the other's career is over
the rare FF

it's a a swerve
shes gonna climb out from under the ring and grab the case. theres no rules, no dqs, no nothing except grab the case. do we forget the last year that elseworth got carmella the case

I think it's pretty obvious Nikki is gonna win and then give the briefcase to Alexa. No way you pair the 2 up on the go-home show if you aren't gonna do that. They could have just announced on the show that Alexa was not medically cleared and Nikki was her replacement, there was no need to do that other stuff.

It's from pwinsider but they're wrong about when her last match was so I don't know if they're the best source.

So meltzer is saying he wasn't told the specific injury but that it wasn't serious, pwinsider is saying they were told it's a concussion, sean ross sapp who has been probably the most accurate recently has only reported what both said and obviously whoever his sources are haven't told him anything or else he would have posted his own thing on it.


Imagine watching her get blacked

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based quads

She took this bump and was fine, ya faggot simp

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if it's a work, then why did Ember send her a care package?

Why do Blisscels get worked so easily?


well because most are around 11-13yrs old and are still just going thru puberty so alot of them are full of tiny penis never laid rage and all like generic thot looking sluts like alexa so you see alot of underage idiot posts and most get worked so easily... 13yr olds arent known for being mentally strong

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because i've never been in love and in lexi i see how beautiful it would be.

Meltzer has no sources in wwe desu

is it on the list of guys who get to smash Alexa?

It's not a concussion, they would have never let her near the ladder if it was.

>Brittle bitch bliss

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This was the final bout of Blissberg's in ring career. A fitting end to a abysmal career.

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She wasn't made for this buisness.

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She was made for being bred by BBC

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This, rent free fags are going to be pissed when she's back in a week or two.


reposting this because you bliss incels cant accept it and tried to ignore it the first time

I want you all to understand something.

And its better you accept it sooner than later...

Alexa Bliss will NEVER (not even ONCE) wrestle again in WWE.
i personally gaurantee you this.

In fact, if i am wrong, and she wrestles AT ALL, ever again, you may post this screenshot in the gamethread and i will IMMEDIATELY post a picture of myself putting a banana in my ass hole.

No joke.
Thats how sure i am.

Concussions are no joke, and clearly she isnt meant for this anymore.
This general should be closed soon, and mods, please take note:

Alexa bliss is NOT a wrestler and does not deserve a daily general because of this.

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>he's replying to himself again

Her career is over blisscels


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Common sense

How is it common sense when you dont even know what her injury is

her injury history, the abrupt bait and switch before a big match, Vince Russo saying she should leave the business. It’s all falling into place, user. She will be in another profession before the end of the year

>injury history
She had none before the concussion last year
>bait and switch before a big match
Seems to me like they waited to see if she got cleared before having to pull her
>Vince Russo
He's a literall who to Bliss

Only the guys who don't respect her christian virtues get worked by such blatant baits

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Why do you reply to yourself?

Nice try

these are all me btw.


mint and lexipilled

based ember wants chubby lexi

Cursed Image

Nicer try

I’m glad her career is done. Anorexia stunted her growth and her body can’t handle bumps and the brutal schedule. Time for Brazzer’s

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Seethe Blisscel.

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Perfect position

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so fucking adorable


Based Diaperstyle Chad..

I want to kiss her little tummy and then her little feet

>injured out of MiTB
Based or cringe? Can skip another terrible WWE ppv.

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Her wrestling career is over. Good riddance



shes never wrestling again.

>Blisscels falseflagging

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She's had 4 matches since November. Is that a "precaution" too?

She's had like 20 matches since the end of February, simp

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>All the chicks in the MITB match flew in yesterday
>Bliss flew in too

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>career over
just like Bryan's was after he got a concussion at WM, right?

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Going by Mandy's IG they are in Stamford, probably rehearsing the match.
Interesting that Bliss apparently is there too.

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Ringsidenews btfo again


She is Hot AF


She in my opinion has gotten even hotter in recent years

Thank the makeup crew.

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>women wear makeup
>they don’t bounce off the plane after a long trip looking like they’re ready for the runway
thanks for the insight, incel. the only makeup that’d help you is a chainsaw

Try again, you retarded dingleberry

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I can feel your seething......

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>no makeup
>shitty quality pic
She still probably looks better than the other women under the same circumstances.

that’s not counting house shows you almighty mongoloid

That list is wrong:

Ringside news and that faggot Satin are the worst. Everyone is poking fun at Satin recently because of the whole Sasha and Bayley temper tantrum situation being debunked by the Iconics and Cathy Kelley

Holy shit. Blisspedos are very defensive aren't they?

cinnamon and rent free

She also wrestled May 5th, which cagematch doesn't have listed.

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she looks like a gargoyle

She doesn't even look bad there really, just tired. Have sex.

shut up and post THICCC Lexi's

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They don’t call them Blisscels for a reason

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You think that doesn't look bad? You are the one that needs sex.

And people think she’d make it in Hollywood. The delusion of the Blisscels!

>several rent free posts come in
>user count doesn't go up
he's have his daily sperg out

>They don’t call them Blisscels for a reason
So there's no reason other than you being butthurt? Got it.

Is that all Blisscels do? Sit and watch the thread statistics. Now wonder they are virgins living with mommy.

worked and fuming

You are perFUMING. No more Yaaasss Kween for you at your anorexic dear

>thank the makeup crew
Can you fags pick one and stick with it


>horsefags, redditors, and bexcels absolutely BOILING

I can go into the other Waifufag threads and mess with them but no one reacts as hardly as blissfags do. They get so mad when someone says anything bad about their Jewress. It's kinda sad. They need to have sex fast.

>post bait all day
>get almost no replies
>resort to replying to yourself
Have sex.

Keep seething

>no one uses rules thread
>rulesfag spergs out for days

So what you think Lexi’s next line of work is gonna be now that she’s done wrestling?

He needs a new gimmick.

Lexi is obviously getting involved in the match tomorrow. I believe she's there with the other girls rehearsing.

With 2 Beko matches and AJ dream matches being called that because they send the fans to sleep there will be nothing of interest on that PPV if she doesn't
