Hey lads, E-Drone here...

Hey lads, E-Drone here. Over the last 2 days I have watched all 15 episodes of "The Road to Double or Nothing" on YouTube. I wanted to hate it. I thought Cody was a shitter. I never watched NJPW. I thought Brandi would be the new Stephanie, pushing womeme shit. They have a tranny. They have some fag in booty shorts. They have some simp with no legs. The womeme are complaining about how little they are being featured. And still, after watching this YouTube show, I am more excited for this show than anything by WWE in years. I can see why a lot of people in WWE are leaving or trying to. AEW is looking like it is going to be fun. WWE should be very worried. I am really looking forward to it, and 3 days ago I didn't care about it at all. Watch the show on YouTube.

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No thanks. I'll stick to GCW.

I watched the last 2 matches of the last GCW show, which were very good. The Bad Boy Joey Janela will be in AEW, so it is looking good

I choose nothing.

>roleplay shilling
Yikes. I hope they were stupid enough to astroturf this place and you're getting paid otherwise unironically kys

>I never watched NJPW
Ya should fix that

Now it's time for WWE...

...time to die.

I watched Omega vs Jericho and Okada vs Shibata and Naito vs Okada, to be honest

ding-dong diddly this
I'll probably watch parts of DoN after it happens but I don't have too much faith in the company.

The Road to Double or Nothing is pretty kino. Much different than Being the Elite.

I’m excited for AEW if that’s the type of show they are going to run.

Never watched Being the Elite, but I did see an interview with Tony Khan where he say the win and loss will be featured and it will be presented more seriously. Beeping swear words is a great compromise. AEW might be kino


Falseflag better bitch!

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Based on what Cody and Tony have said about what kind of product they want to present, I get the feeling that Road to DoN is a lot closer to what kind of show we'll get than BTE. I think right now BTE is the way it is because that's what the fans expect, and we can expect it to wind down or change over time as we get closer to TV.

BTE will stay the same and will be like their vlog about how they shoot TV and shit like that and they will still do some storyline shit to add their comedic color to some more serious angles on TV.
But BTE is not representative of what their TV will be like. And I never expected that.

aewtist larping as a normal wrestling fan

You really tried to fit in for this shill post Cody I commend you but we still know it’s you, you’re still the 3 star general, and we still don’t care about AEW

>Having that orc tranny monstrosity in that poster

Another classic case of AEWtists having WWE's shit in their mouth while spewing their gospel. You guys make it very hard to show you support

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why is that a bad thing?
You are supposed to boo her and hate her, because she is a bad guy in her match.
Why are you not happy about that?

I notice a lot of people bitch about AEW hiring workrate guys. I wonder if these guys are considered "workrate guys" because on the indies you spend so much time jumping between promotions that spot fests with no story are all you can do. Based on what Cody's been saying about their presentation and about wanting to build their own stars, it seems reasonable to me that the idea is for AEW to hire physically talented workers who aren't mega stars yet, and then teach them to tell stories and work psychology into their matches. I don't think you're choosing one or the other, I think they're trying to have both, and starting with one is easier than starting from scratch.

>WWE should be worried about an obese Yea Forums autist watching a YouTube show

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Yes the ratings for wwe are doing great without AEW on TV yet!

>I notice a lot of people bitch about AEW hiring workrate guys.
They are not hiring "workrate guys". They are hiring people who WWE would have hired soon enough.
The thing is all the upper echelon of indy guys are "workrate guys", because if you are a super indy and you book a "workrate guy" you will sell tickets just on gifs of that guy. You do not need to tell longterm story with him, you can plop him into your main event and tickets will move.
I think lot of anons just don't understand how indies work.
A draw on the indies is a guy who shifts few dozen tickets for a show that normally sells 250. If your promotion runs 1000 seater, a draw is a guy who after you announce him moves 300 plus tickets in pre-sale.
You will book him again next time, because you know people want to see him.
These performers know how to do good storytelling match, but they do not need to do it, because when they are somewhere for the first time, people will be happy with just seeing them do their spots.
"Good workrate guy" is anyone on that roster and anyone on WWE's roster right now.

Only womeme match on the card. WWE could learn something

There are two.
The threeway and joshi trios tag.