Leave the E because you were being used as "enhanced talent"

>Leave the E because you were being used as "enhanced talent"
>Go to TNA and become a rising star and main eventer
>Leave the place that made you a star
>Sign back to the E and start off in NXT
>Get called up again and be the same old shit why you left in the first place
Why does this guy make such bad career choices?

Attached: ec3.jpg (696x392, 21K)

He couldn’t really predict that he would be booked like shit. He isn’t psychic

He's in a much better spot than he was before at least. He's a proven main event caliber wrestler and he actually has a viable shot of rising up the card compared to his initial run.

>He couldn’t really predict that he would be booked like shit. He isn’t psychic
If he ever watched an episode of WWE he'd know he was a shitter even compared to the shitters in WWE

He would automatically be a mid-carder or even a main eventer right away if he signed with AEW.

He's probably getting paid better at least.

That's all that really matters unless he's a mark.

This. Only retard neck beards who still live at home care about wins and losses

Hes not working tv so doubt.

What I dont get is why they wont let the guy talk in a talking heavy show

He was perfectly entertaining as Derrick Bateman

Nobody wants another serious guy with black trunks

>getting paid better
>That's all that really matters
Please explain why many wrestlers in WWE are turning down big money 7 digit contracts to go to AEW?

Because he's bad at talking.

If you give up Big Money for Little Money you’re a mark for yourself.

If you sign a Little Money contract with the big leagues simply because...it’s the big leagues you’re a mark for the ‘E.

Simple as that. Maximize your earning potential, don’t sign a mark contract and don’t give up big money for creative freedom. Make money!

EC3 has only himself to blame, he signed the mark contract and now has to rot away in catering

Attached: ECuck3_.jpg (514x678, 83K)

They're marks

>Get paid big money just to eat the pin and get the hottest talents over every week
So when does the Brooklyn Brawler and Barry Horowitz get into the WWE Hall of Fame?

IF you can negotiate a BIG money contract that sets you up for life what does it matter if you win a match or not?

That being said; EC3 is on a Mark contract, so he’s a sucker.

the marks are in the ring now

If you think Brawler wont get into the Hall of Fame you are one dumb cunt

Who the fuck cares about the HOF? Get money, worry about fake title and fake halls later.

>Go to TNA and become a rising star and main eventer
Yeah dude

As someone who was a huge fan of him in TNA, I don't blame him for taking the WWE offer, he had kind of done everything he could there. Also because he never worked in PWG he never got the Meltzer seal of approval, so WWE was really the only place he could go
