Post divas pre-plastic surgery, of any kind

Post divas pre-plastic surgery, of any kind.

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And yet it could not give her a personality

Jesus, she was beautiful!

She coulda been the next Trish Stratus. Sad.

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What the hell, she looked fucking awesome.

not with that face.

>And yet it could not give her a personality

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Why is a (((German))) girl between two Jews......hmmm

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I want more of the right

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That's what I said!

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You mean women.


They both look better now.

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That looks like a pic from a porn site where they get naked and spread their cunt open.

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Mickie doesn't age.

"Do you see what I see... (do you see what I see)..."

Uh she looks the same, a little skinnier

Agreed. As Meltz would say, "she weighs less"


I don't get it

What's got you so excited?

Would marry this Lexi.

I'm sure her ass is plenty big.

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>Bayley got a boob job cuz she wore a tight sports bra

These retards are the dumbest people on this website

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I don’t see much of a difference.

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We don't need your virgin bullshit in here. Beat it.

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I don't think we count roids as plastic surgery

Holy seething projection batman

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Literally spitting in God's face cutting those puppies off.

women shouldnt have abs like this
trashy tattoo and disgusting bolt ons

She literally looks like a trap.

Isn't she hyped up as being natural by everyone?

He meant Divas, Women aren't people. Nobody here cares about being politically correct.

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Do we have any actually natural divas anymore?

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Ivi is fucking hot too bad shes a cunt

Ivelisse had what done?

Was god the name of the plastic surgeon who put them in?

are you retarded?

what the fuck

the horse, sonya, the japs, nia but she's a lard and not a diva

why'd she do it bros

Sasha, Bayley, Naomi, Asuka, Kairi, Sonya, Nikki Cross

I will never understand how smoking hot girls let the jews convince them to ruin their bodies

no one can think this looks good

plus Becky, Sarah, Ruby, maybe Lacey.

She used to be so cute before the jews ruined her

This is one note.

Lacey might be on roids but they don't count as surgery so natural for this thread. Rhea Ripley and Toni Storm for the non main roster.

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She looks the same now, just more muscular

I'm not talking about her looks. I'm talking about the chicken grease and watermelon rinds in her vagina.

incel cringe

How do you got from that to this?!?

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t. Penis Shekelberg

it's literally a "looks" thread, go make your own thread for your bullshit

Ya boil?

Bayley and Nikki Cross too

have your boyfriend die and age out of your main career. She's pretty strong, I probably wouldve given up on life and ate myself into retirement.

She doesn't look good in either.

Tha Jew broad on da right always gets me goin...

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she wouldn't marry you
>then, now, forever


She's actually flat as a board. Even the Bellas and AJ Lee had some small tits, Bliss had absolutely nothing.

can't blame her, it looks like a mans torso. imagine how it looks from 500 feet away in the bleachers.
yikes! She didn't even fill a sports bra?

Mandy had ZERO tits so it makes sense her implants will have to be wonky. She really needed to get them done

Bayley's tits are fake? Was this known?

bay leno's are fake until i've seen them jiggle otherwise, same goes for nikki

Nikki's are for sure real. Part of those midget proportions.

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I’m confused. She looks like she has tits here and this is pre-blonde when she had her natural dark hair

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Jiggling, done.

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Best I could find.

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Not that poster but some jiggle won't prove they're natural, even fakes jiggle to an extent. But if they've always been big they're probably real, wrestlers get them during their career.

that's just a complimentary top and bra

not widely it seems

She is not in competition mode there. Women that do chest exercises can literally work their tits off

I will never understand women who took breasts reduction surgery. it's like men taking dick shortening surgery, if it exist

Shes still in there. Under a hundred pounds of makeup

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If your dick weighed you down and impeded you moving and walking you might understand

I don't even know who this is supposed to be desu

Get a clue

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Thats Billie Kay

What about the rock? He is a qt but im sure he has breast implants all over his body

Oh damn

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Huge tits cause back pain and issues.

ironically the Rock really did have tit surgery to get rid of those Samoan man tits, back in 1999 or so. That's why he wore a t-shirt at the time.

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When's Roman gonna get that done so he can ditch the vest and evolve past "guy that was in the shield"

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Holy cow roman looks weird, flat chest no muscle, he looks like my bbw wife


>billie is actually passable without excessive lipstick and eyeliner/eyeshadow

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So who's had plastic surgery but everyone thinks is natural?

There are blisscels who unironically think bliss hasn’t done any work on her face

I've always been deeply suspicious of Jerry Lawler, but I've never seen anyone else bring it up.


watch it m8

looks better brunette desu

yeah no, if Bayley had ever had surgery she wouldn't have that derpy nose and jaw

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Because she hasn't.



I love Bliss, but I'm pretty sure she got botox at some point in the past few years. Look at her lips now compared to when she was SD champ for example

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Ya seethe?

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>what is lipstick

Rhea Ripley?


God she looks so fake. Blisscels are truly the most deluded fan base. You being a rare exception

it's called makeup

This pic is more recent, you're literally getting worked by makeup

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>old shirt
>more recent
lazy bait

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She wears that shirt at house shows, this is from last week.

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>bliss actually has no facework done
Bliss wins again

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From the same day, she looks better at house shows than she does on TV.

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Good find user. She looks great when there's no glam squad cunts to overdo her makeup.

>all those empty seats

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he really has no torso muscles lmao dude is just arms

>that gap

This picture was from April 19th. Raw did a house show in St. Louis, in the non-cropped photo is the St. Louis Blues mascot.

horrible bolt ons
i can literelly drive my bbc between them and feel nothing

And people actually clamber for women in WWE to get their tits done. Can't we have some good size natural racks for once?

>gaps aren't sexy

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>Can't we have some good size natural racks for once
Naomi, Nikki Cross, Bayley, Asuka, Rhea, Sarah Logan, technically Nia if that counts

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A gap you say?

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she is unionically so fucking ugly

huge fucking shame, don't get me wrong i would last ten seconds but fuck me she's gross now

Me on the right

Naomi's ass can't be real.

I wanna suck little titties bros


>Marrying a BBW with a flat chest

Whew lad that's one way to do it I guess. My beautiful, fat wife has 38GG tits.

>He hasn't been redpilled on black women

10/10 bodies in latinas are pretty common m8, if she had any kind of surgery it would have been to her horrid face.

I don't think you guys know how make up works.

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It can easily be real.

It doesn't make your lips blow up like that

She's so fucking beautiful bros. I just want her inside me so much.

She's always had big lips. Even as a kid.

>no big lips

Built for white cock.

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>blisscels unironically think this bitch hasn’t had any work done on her face

>she looked like that for one day and faceblind autists thinks she had work done

she hit the weights
took a shower
and got a clue in scheming for a boob job
Natural nose = money based on memes and staying relevant.

Her lips aren't big here. And if you seen the pics kf her as a kid they were always pretty prominent.

Alexis Kaufman is a German Jew

Kek there’s like 2 dudes that keep persisting they’re fake. It’s hilarious.

fucking lol

I know, autists keep getting worked by a 6 month old webm, kek.

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Bliss has literally never gotten work done

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Just her tits



everyone in wrestling has fake tits or no tits, they don't count

I know, but she really should.

apart from fillers


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So who are the women in WWE who've not had any plastic surgery?

I think it’s Kaitlyn. If it’s her she looks like a completely different person nowadays.

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see and The list is a bit longer if you don't count fake boobs.

Fakes don't count, they're standard

Sasha, Bayley, Alexa, Nikki Cross, Asuka, Kairi, Sarah Logan, Sonya, Naomi, Becky, Ruby, Liv, Rhea, Cathy

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From today

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looks terrible

Ya seethe?

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WTF she looks pretty much like she did on NXT there. Is glam squad really THAT bad?

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German Jewish bimbo WHORE


Imagine cutting her open and fondling her organs.

Yes, glam squad is that bad. I don't know how they keep their job.

Bayley's tits ARE fake.

Sorry virgins.

How would you know? Not even disagreeing, I’m legit just curious

They always seem real. Is there proof?


only if you have shitty posture

>said the male

tits are mostly fat, and when you're as fit as the divas, you'll lose them. the ass is mostly muscle.

if she had huge tits naturally she'd still have big tits even while fit

maybe, depends on her diet. if she's burning every calorie she consumes in order to gain muscle, she'll lose the titty fat. then there's cows like liv who have bad fat distribution and it all goes to her gut.

Rhea Ripley's muscular, but still has big tits, and those are real, so it's possible.

Based serial killer user.

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