How deluded are some people to think Jeff hardy was more over than Punk?

How do people take meltz seriously when he says stuff like this?

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He was. He main evented all those Summer 09 PPVs over Cena/Orton/HHH because he was that over.

You never watched WWE during Hardy's reign if you think he wasn't more over.

>thinking Punk was more over than Jeff

Jeff Hardy was over when people still cared about wrestling

Punk was not even the most over wrestler of his generation, even when they gave him everything (music,pipebomb,a big Cena feud, Bryan,Undefeated Ryback,Heyman... )

Jeff is living proof that you don't need to know how to cut a promo or even talk like a functioning human being to be over as a wrestler.

>That guy bringing up Google Trends as "proof" Jeff was more over
What did he mean by this?

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Punketty wishes he was as over as Jeff

Jeff was a top 5 most over guy while Austin and Rock were still around. Everyone I know who stopped watching after the attitude era names Jeff Hardy first when wrestling comes up.

Hardy was more over than punk.
Hardy was in the WWE twice as long as punk, and always over with kids with his colorful attire and risky moveset.
The problem is, WWE didnt want him to be champ (the guy is an unstable junkie), but he was main eventing and losing championship matches. HHH had to do a shity way of endorsing him before jeff won the belt. .And when he was champ...nothing really changed about him, or the atmosphere, which is something WWE likes because they like controlling their champions.

Punk wasn't over at all. Even as champ he was mid-card.

Hardy was an un-turnable perma-face. Punk turned heel like a year after his pipebomb because he couldn't fuck with the Rock otherwise.

People that don't watch wrestling know the hardys

At one point, Jeff Hardy was the most 'over' superstar of all time perhaps, and literally changed proffessional wrestling as an industry.
Jeff Hardy 2001 was THE 'draw' of the company, and the "TLC" matches were what drew the smarks, what got the 'eyes' on the biz deeper.

After a viewer turned in, saw the Rock or Stone Cold they said "well what else" then they Saw Jeff Hardy and said "holy shit".

fuck all of you JUFF IS A BASED icon of the sport, literally whether you like it or not.


Attached: Jeff Hardy.jpg (450x675, 56K)

HA holy shit, if only google trends kept track of spikes in 2001.

Jeffs spike would be stratospheric starting at TLC 1, would break deepspace at TLC2 and then stabilize, and down years later

Hardy was only over so much because of the early-mid 2000's goth/scene trend.

Jeff was selling more merch than cena at that time

Jeff Hardy in 2007 - 2011 was insanely over.

Them putting the title on him made sense.

He actually was though, I was surprised at the time but crowds fucking LOVED him
At his peak he was at least equal to anyone else in the company

Hardy was the most over guy in the company during his pomp in 2009, that included Punk. Are you new or just retarded?

Hardy drew me to my first WWE live event. A House show in Feb.1999. Austin was champ fueding with Mcmahon I think. I remember the roof blew off when he made his entrance. Stunned 5-6 people to send the crowd home happy.

Hardys took on the Dudleys in a table match. Juff Swantoned bubba through a table ftw. I still have wind-up disposable camera photos of the match somewhere.

Jeff Hardy was a legit draw. If anything, Jeff Hardy put over Punk big time on his way out of the company by letting him bring up his old drug abuse and getting beaten in a steel cage match.

This. Jeff made Punk a star.

jeff was over as a wrestler whilst punk was over as an anti-wrestler

Jeff was a bigger draw than Punk. That counts more than the 2 weeks where marks at ESPN and IGN or wherever talked and wrote about le pipe bomb.

he was more over you simp, Punk just like every other ROH darling never got over and only was pushed because of Haitch indy fetish

Punk was an over as hell guy that was the face of the company in the fans eyes but in the managements its was Cena. Its why his year long title reign was reduced to a window dressing for Rock/Cena just the Miz was reduced to a bit player in his own Wrestlemania main event

Hardy wasent much better off. There was a time when Brock could beat both Hardys in a handicap match and while he was given B show titles there was no way he was going over a Cena Rock or Bitchtits Helmsley

The only head to head comparison you could make was when Jeff was a fucked up druggie while Punk did his straight edge villain shtick and low and behold the company enables Hardy by portraying it a good thing and making Punk look right as the heel. Because the entire company has been fucking retarded for about 2 decades now

Jeff Hardy may not of brought back any lapsed fans but he brought in thousands of people who would never watch wrestling. in 2001-2 he was the reason for female fans aged 11-30.

people in this thread seem to think wrestling started in 2009. Grandmasta Sexay and Scotty 2 Hotty were more over than CM Punk.

>Jeff was a top 5 most over guy while Austin and Rock were still around.
Maybe but not really. The Hardy Boyz were a massive failure when they put them up against Two Man Power Trip.

Sure jeff was over as hell but punk post pipe bomb 2011 was out of this world. The pops he got were crazy. Remember mitb '11 loudest new era pop

Dudleys weren't even in the company in February 1999.

>punk post pipe bomb 2011 was out of this world.
do zoomers really believe this?

The entire company was a massive failure by that point though. Two Man Power Trip was a cool idea but completely anti-dimes, nobody wanted to boo Austin.

No they don't

>Two Man Power Trip was a cool idea
It was really a shit idea, all thanks to Paul.

Damn you are right. I watched some of jeffs old stuff. Sorry sir my fault

Not even the loudest pop of 2011

I belive and I was watching since the late 80s. You know why it got over? Because the fans were fucking sick of how shitty the company had been getting run since the end of the RA into the PG era and the Great Khali could have gotten over as the top guy saying all that shit

It aint even about Punk its about how shitty the company is and how the only "Stars" they have now are people the company shit on at some point. Rusev Ryder and the Revival could be main evening Wrestlemania at the rate they are going

The Hardy Boyz were literally one of the most over acts with the under-18 demographic, especially girls, probably in wrestling history.

I remember like six different girls in high school that were huge Hardy marks, Jeff in particular.

>Rusev Ryder and the Revival could be main evening Wrestlemania at the rate they are going
Better than Seth Rollins and the rest of the shit they have

WWF @ Indianapolis, IN - March 8, 2000
The Godfather defeated Mideon
Bradshaw defeated Albert
Too Cool defeated the Headbangers
Steve Blackman defeated Christian
Rikishi defeated the Big Bossman
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion Essa Rios defeated WWF Hardcore Champion Crash Holly
WWF Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boyz defeated Matt & Jeff Hardy
WWF IC & European Champion Kurt Angle defeated Chris Jericho
The Rock & Kane defeated WWF World Champion Triple H & the Big Show

youre right, im mixing up different shows. it was a LOOONG time ago.
>THIS was the JUFF show I was at.

Looks like a great show.

Yeah, if it had been two other guys it probably would've probably worked, the idea of two 'top guys' seizing control of the company sounds interesting enough on paper but Austin and HHH were the worst choices imaginable. The WMX7 to Backlash buyrate drop is appalling, nobody wanted to see that shit.

>Hardy may not of brought back any lapsed fans
Punk bringing back old fans is a myth btw. Actually go look at the ratings and buyrates he drew. Jeff Hardy is a clear and obvious winner

I aint disagreeing but none of it would have been intentional because the only way people get over is after the company tried to crush a guy for slightly getting over.

If Charlotte wasent put into the Mella vs Lynch match the fans would have moderately gotten behind her and that would have been it. If they didnt have her turn heel they wouldnt have gotten behind her. If they didnt obviously want to sacrifice her to Ronda to hype up the chosen ones mainia ME they wouldnt have gotten behind her.. Its the same shit thats been going on for years and drove about 5 million people away from the product. If you hate Lynch you know she only got over because the company flubbed again and accidently pissed its fans off enough to create another Punk. If you actually like her you know this will only last for a little while because eventually shes going to be back to getting thrown out in the middle of the Battle Royal while Charles becomes invincible again

>The Hardy Boyz were literally one of the most over acts
Which they still probably are desu

That's all Gaytch's fault. No one wanted to see another Austin/Haitch program, no one wanted a heel Austin vs tweeter Haitch, and no one wanted to see Haitch beat actual fan favorites like Kane and Jeff Hardy. His blown quads unironically saved viewers from another stupid power trip arc.

cm punk fans are delusional. I’m surprised your take away from this exchange was to have a go at big dick Dave. Hardy has literally always been over and he doesn’t even have to try. Natural likability unlike a moany tryhard punk

You can literally look up any early 2000s Hardy segments and the shrieking girl voices completely drown out all other noise in the video. I honestly don't know how many other wrestlers had that kind of effect.

Not only that, but people forget that Jeff was over with WOMEN. Go back and watch hisearly 2000s matches when jumping off a ladder wasn't a weekly occurrence and TLC matches were white hot. You can hear woman screaming like they used to when Shawn was on top. If you can get normal girls to pay attention to wrestling you are doing it right.

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Theres a few especially when they were young

>>Von Erich's
>>Edge and Christian