Imagine going a whole day with no food, and not even water (as I just found out this week. I always assumed water was allowed, but my friend told me different) just to go out there and work a 10-15 minute match maybe even longer. They can only eat after sun down which is around 8 pm in my area.
Sami Zayn worked an amazing TV main event and Ali vs Andrade was very very good too. Props to them and everyone else
Imagine falling for the Ramadan meme like these simps.
Hunter Bailey
>this fat fuck in literal amazement someone can stop themselves from eating for the majority of a day
Tyler Cook
just sleep the entire day and then buy a ton of fast food (mcds, pizza, taco bell, kfc) and gorge like a mothernigger. or better yet don't be a fucken terrorist muslim scumbag and eat whenever you want.
Aaron Miller
Kevin Parker
Imagine working out and doing a match and not being allowed a sip of water until sunset.
Imagine being stupid enough to not eat all day because of the ramblings of a schizophrenic warlord from hundreds of years ago. It's not my fault they're stupid enough to believe an old book.
Michael Martin
Faithless fool. When your time on earth is done, enjoy nothing.
Juan Fisher
Levi Campbell
Looking forward to it, not setting the alarm for 6am will be nice.
Thomas Evans
Don't get me wrong i like sami but i can't stand this shit tier over violent cult like religion. That muslim shit ruins the world more than hitler did
Adam Allen
Islam isn't a real religion.
William Roberts
That's BS if you eat/drink a lot between iftar and sahur you'll have no problem during the day. White bois just mirin' islam and thinking you'd die without eating/drinking during the day is hilarious no wonder Europe is getting conquered.
Wyatt Price
I hope they die
John Clark
while taking out all the infidels at next WM inshallah
Why should I be thankfull? It's their own decision not to eat or drink.
Sebastian Garcia
Carter Cooper
you should be thankful that they still perform for your entertainment say thanks to people that make your life better like cashiers and bus drivers, ungrateful user
Grayson Sanders
but they only make me want to change the channel i'd be fine with every day being ramadan of that meant shitters like sabdullah zayn and mehmet ali stayed away from the ring for good
Dylan Rogers
Athletes are allowed to eat and drink, though Same with people that do heavy work
Isaiah Hall
I hate cashiers. Fuck all of them.
Jaxon Wilson
Imagine not being able to eat until 8pm, that is such devotion to a god. (lower g on purpose) I do this almost every day on shift work so I guess my God is better. (capital G for my Christian God)
Justin Fisher
>Imagine going a whole day with no food, and not even water (as I just found out this week. I always assumed water was allowed, but my friend told me different) just to go out there and work a 10-15 minute match maybe even longer. They can only eat after sun down which is around 8 pm in my area. Yes, imagine being a mudslime. Yikes
Owen Stewart
Muslims are fuckin assholes during Ramadan
Andrew Reyes
David Rodriguez
I will thank those goatfuckers when they apologize for 9/11
Hunter Watson
Shout out to all the British Yea Forums posters. Happy ranadam.
Mason Russell
Man the thing that gets me is not the fasting but not drinking water. I have fast before but I always done so while drinking water.
Brayden Gutierrez
I really am loving the group of anons "reddit invasion" angle bait. Really been working the marks.
Bentley Garcia
Muslims wouldn't even have anything to do with the west if jews didn't influence us into starting wars with them & bringing them into Our Countries by the masses