Admit it;

You hate him

Attached: Ox.jpg (219x289, 16K)

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i could never hate him

I will

Why? Is he a racist?

He jobbed to Snake Plissken, he's too much of a jabroni to hate


The sinister minister?

Killed as many guys in the ring as Rey and Juvi combined, I'm thinking he's based.

I admit it. I hate him.

>this fucker shoot killed 2 wrestlers in the ring with a heart punch finisher because they had weak chests and hearts in freak accidents
>always managed to work that into his gimmick so well it caused riots to break out and people were shoot seething
Anyone who can work up a crowd as badly as those black guys worked Nashs butthole, is our guy.

Jim Mitchell is absolutely based. He should do voice over work.

He looks like a racist

Can't hate who you dont know


>Never watched Escape from New York
Get a clue

I have seen it but I don't remember this simp

based Ox Baker
one of a kind, transended the business

how can you hate someone who got on The Price Is Right?

Ox Baker is the GOAT heel

How'd he get such cool eyebrows?

The ghost of Ox Baker heart punched Silver King last night.
That's the real story you won't see in the dirt sheets brother.

Imagine how quickly he wold be "cancelled" if he were around these days trying to do that.
Actual real heat is not allowed anymore.

He's white, so yes