Top 5 Cash-in's according to WWE

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Based Edge Phoenix

The top 3 are
Everyother one is forgettable

I'll say it, Zigglers was overrated. The WHC was IC tier at that point.

Where the fuck is Ziggler anyways


Top fucking kek

>No RVD vs. Cena
>unnecessary wymenz shit
Fuck this dying company

yikes. She had just lost the belt so it wasn't even some big moment. Not even the best womemes one

Crowd reacted huge tho

1. RVD
2. Edge
3. CM Punk
4. Ziggler
5. Seff

>Bliss and Miz better than first Edge

1. RVD
2. Rollins
3. Edge
4. Ziggler
5. idk who fucking cares

I'm just thankful that Gaytch never participated in one of these matches, because you just know he would've shoehorned his way to #1

>women anywhere on there
>edge is only 5 and somehow lower than fucking alexa

>miz as 3
revisionist history lmao, everyone HATED this and saw it for the hollywood promotional bullshit it was. no different than when jinder won it.

>dolph 2
the whc was increasingly irrelevant at this point.
that they wasted dolph's heat by doing that instead of cashing in on cena the same night was really stupid.

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>revisionist history
Thank you for saying that. As someone who was watching regularly at the time, everyone on the IWC hated that annoying faggot. WWE from summer 2010 - Extreme Rules 2011 was fucking painful

Jinder was a genuinely good heel champ though

Makes sense. Edge is fucking awful.

Dont a a contrarian faggot, it was the night after WM and the crowd made the moment that much more massive

goddamn Alexafags run their social media too

it's almost as if.....

>it's almost as if.....
They needed to put a woman on the list and couldn't use Carmella because of Ellsworth.

ellsworth cash in was unironically based, fuck liberals for crying about it and ruining the moment

Bullshit. Miz was super over as a heel and if you hated him it’s because he was great at his job. He had just come off his feud with Daniel Bryan where they both came out looking awesome.

5. RVD
4. Edge
3. Miz
2. Ziggler
1. Seth

Based Seff

Who cares about the meme crowd, ADR/Swagger the WHC match the night before and it curtain jerked.

He won the IC title. Even funnier that his reign flopped because of his concussions and Del Rio won it back anyway.

he literally fell into irrelevance not even months after he lost the belt. it's hilarious when people try to pretend he wasn't always the drizzling shits and the worst part of any segment he was involved in.

no, you don't understand the difference between heel heat and massive indifference. nobody cared for his run. it accomplished nothing, pretty much stifled mania plans, and set a bad example. but since you actually have ziggler's cash in over rvd's and edge, i'm going to assume you're just retarded.

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He wasn't involved in Carmellas cash in. The IIConics were

Alexa's was extremely based at the time because nobody wanted to see Nia Fats or an extremely green Rondoid win

They couldn't use Carmella because of who she cashed in on.

“I didn’t like him so i’ll call him irrelevant!”
Show your ass a little more, why don’t you? He was booked against Jerry goddamn Lawler and as the third wheel in the Cena-Rock feud. Despite that trash, he still managed to make things interesting. Take your idiotic contrarian opinions back to SquaredCircle because you’re either too young or too dumb to remember 2010.

>no RVD

ding-dong diddly cringeola

> so new he cannot even greentext
Didnt read what you wrote
Fuck off back there

>third wheel to Cena/Rock
>third wheel to Cole/Lawler
>people rarely remember he main evented Wrestlemania and beat Cena
>immediately jobs to his Virgil in Alex Riley after dropping the belt

What the fuck did Miz actually do as WWE champion again?

Great anti-argument. Take a lap, brainlet.

no you dumbfuck mark, i'm saying he was irrelevant because that's the truth.
look at his matches and where he was after losing the title. within a year he was jerking the curtain in a fucking 12 man tag match at mania. months later? jobbing to kofi 3 times and 2 ppvs in a row. how was he not irrelevant? fucking retard. the truth was that everyone was flat on him, you're the same kind of person who probably says triple h killing the ratings was just him being a great heel.
take a walk outside for some sunlight, faggot.

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>He was booked poorly
>That means he wasn’t great in his role

How fucking idiotic are you? He was a top heel and he got treated as such. That’s why he’s still around and killing it today. His cash-in was amazing but you’re too busy using booking to justify your childish hatred of him. Take a shower, I’m begging you.