Dabs on goldberg

>dabs on goldberg


Attached: 1555726180354.webm (426x426, 1.93M)

Based, i had no idea black funerals got that litty

Ya gotta give it to em, they know how to send em off in style.

>African funerals
>American flags

Attached: 1451460091933.gif (171x141, 911K)

that's so fucking disrespectful.

it’s not like the dead are gonna object to it ya simp

so it's okay if I take a shit on someone's grave?

It's a celebration of life nigga. Those dudes in the caskets got lit at funerals too

A funeral should create a fun/happy memory for the living, a sad event just makes the living feel worse.

what a retard. I dont want people happy at my funeral. I want people crying hysterically to show how much I'll be missed. Dont try to change this shit because you're too much of a latent homosexual so you want to avoid crying as to not get exposed. Be less of a faggot for once in your life.

what you do is your own prerogative

no one's gonna miss you mr. burns


You're a bitter fag. I bet you think dios de los muertos is disrespectful or some shit too

Can't spell funeral without fun

Who cares?

I'm not a nog, so no.

That’s the flag of Liberia you inbred fucknut

When asked what he wanted to be done with his body after his death Diogenes said to just throw him over the wall into the wilds. When asked if this would bother him he said "Not at all as long as you give me a stick to shoo away animals" When asked how he would use the stick without awareness he said "If I lack awareness, then why should I care what happens to me when I am dead?"

Based cynic chads

Based blacks being entertaining as fuck once again

Literally got himself over getting buried.

have sex geography geek

They are 'dancing' because hysterical body causes immense grief the dance and hyper movement therapy for the soul

Americans too busy looking down at smart phones and making jews rich theyve lost connection with soul


fucking niggers I swear

You need to take that racist rhetoric back to r/eddit where it belongs

Whatch the hard r please


this is nice
death shouldnt be mourned but celebrated
they transcended into heaven with our lord above

those are in liberia, you'd never see that many non-obese people at once in america

Black people are insane

t. Kim Jong Un



Is there anyone more based than Diogenes?

Someone post the one where they drop the body

Just kys ya manlet
