Look at that happiness. He’s ready

Look at that happiness. He’s ready

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look at those absolute shitters he hangs out with

Gold Peak is better

Ready for the hot dogs and the handshakes.

Did they seriously bring WWE folding chairs to sit on to this festival?

I hope he gets to wifeswap with the gook.

>tying his sweater around his waist
What a fag lol

Cringe boomers

Yeah same I'd have a go at her Pork Bun

It's a flannel shirt and the early 90s grunge bullshit look is coming back into style.

based dean with real, non-carny friends

>carrying your sweater around like a dork

based wholesome deano

>Not having your bitch carry it
Have sex.

>has never made eye contact with a woman
I'd tell you to have sex, but we both know it'll never happen

I can see why he quit. Imagine explaining current WWE to norms people?

Has to project
Kek. Hold that L.

>m-muh projection

the led zeppelin shirt girl's panty line is working me into a shoot

Based Dean showing his true feelings after leaving escaping his slave plantation

Looks like he aged 15 years. You can tell he knows that he fucked up but is just trying to make the best of it. Renee is leaving him soon, she thinks his decision is irresponsible and finally see's Dean for the chils he is.
Jon Moxley is but a husk of a man.

Oh no

Sup, black ass? Into fatties ass nigga

jon moxley will be at tournament of survival june 1st atlantic city

Fucking kek. Didn't realize it until reading this post

I hope this isn't that over hyped Coachella they're attending.

Virgin much?

Coachella was last month.

This was probably Stagecoach, the redneck Coachella

How sweety did Renee's feet get?