Fangin' and bangin'

Fangin' and bangin'

Attached: j0frqsftckcz.jpg (3264x2448, 663K)

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Who’s on the far right? Is it supposed to be Candice Michelle?

looks like a pic of Lita

I met gangrel once at an indy show and he was a super chill dude and was super nice. He deserved better, at be least European or Hardcore Champion.

Attached: fng.png (108x98, 21K)

He can take solace in the fact that he was a career lower midcard guy and is still more memorable than almost every main event guy in modern WWE.

literally why degrade yourself to this.

Just get a real job if you wasted all your money on drugs.

These cons are always so sad to look at. Why attend these when you are a low-card literal who and never drew a dime?

What do you think that room smells like

>is that really gangrel? Oof he ain't lookin so hot. That's gonna be a yikes from me

He looks happy with his pro wrestling school

Boomers don't say oof.

Your bedroom

To be fair most people remember Gangrel for his gimmick even if he never achieved anything.


Gangel was based. I'd go say hi. But, then again, I'd never go to whatever that is in the first place.

Based Teddy Long reeling in a mark.

I don’t know why these guys do non-wrestling cons. Must be hit to their egos

This must get some kind of minimum guarantee to be there. Still sad to see them all alone.

He'd be at least a one time WWE champ in nuWWE, if shitters like Kofi Kingston can do it then so can Gangrel.

I would chill out with Teddy Long as long as he let me before shooing me away

Nigger you like signing headshots?

dont ever, ever feel sorry for these marks

Gangrel in HoF when?


Looks like there's gonna be a tag team match playa!