Where did the Tazz is a good announcer meme come from?

This guy stinks he can barely string together a sentence without stuttering or confusing names. How did he last as long as he did?

Attached: tazz3_crop_north.jpg (455x304, 19K)

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He had great chemistry with Cole

How so? I always thought it was kinda awkward

SmackDown being a good show with Cole and Taz probably has something to do with it. I find him annoying.

Fuck You hes the best colour commentator of the past 20 years prove me fucking wrong

>Fuck You hes the best colour commentator of the past 20 years
Paul Heyman was way better. So was JBL after his first retirement in 2006.

JBL is terrible and takes away from the match

Heymans run was too short to tell but he was good

>JBL is terrible
Yes he is terrible now but during his 2006-2007(?) run on smackdown he was pretty decent

>Heymans run was too short
I'd argue it was far more memorable than anything Tazz did. Does Tazz even have any notable calls?

So JBL was good for like a year?


Let the pidgins loose

JBL was seriously the GOAT commentator in 2006-07. He was untouchable and could make the most boring episodes of SD seem entertaining. Should've just stuck to doing that instead if coming out of retirement. I was stoked when he came back in 2012 but then he ended up becoming one of the WOAT commentators. I don't know wtf happened.

Here comes the pain

I know, OP. we were complaining about him at the time as it happened.

I quit watching WWE when he was commentating. Can't stand his accent.

2003 Cole and Tazz were peak



Tazz and Josh Matthews were also good on comfy Velocity.

Tazz called women "tomatas" which was pretty based.

This. It's just rose-tinted glasses conflating the quality of the commentary with the fact the show was actually watchable then.

Taz is unironically based and a pleb filter. If you dislike the one man crime spree you’re basically a nigger

Attached: C175A443-AFFC-4543-AE3F-C3DCBDA0C146.jpg (800x299, 33K)

Are you telling me you’d prefer the current commentators over Taz? I don’t think anyone’s putting him on the level of say Heenan or JR, but he’s unique and fun to sit back and listen to if you aren’t autistic and can appreciate him for what he is. He’s comfy and soulful, the antithesis to the current product

scripts, rules, being bored just watching it

Batista is down! Batista is down!

>Are you telling me you’d prefer the current commentators over Taz?
I never said that. I just don't think Tazz is good

>he can barely string together a sentence without stuttering or confusing names
I have listened to hundreds of shows with Taz on commentary and you are full of shit.

No I’m not. Go watch 2003-2006 smackdown he fucks up pretty consistently

Why is he burning himself on his own shirt?

Hi Taz! Now pick a hand.

i would get tazz to suck on my thing haha i hear he is a nice guy haha i bet he would suck me off ha ha

Remember when they switched out Don West for this jabroni?



Taz is pleb tier

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

Right when Don got pretty damn good too. Crying shame.

Nah. It's true.
I liked Tazz on commentary but he never went a night without saying at least one line where he rambled and stumbled over his words trying to finish a thought
That was pretty much one of his trademarks