You know Yea Forums new Japan is pretty fun

You know Yea Forums new Japan is pretty fun

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Yakuza is a shitty brawler and NJPW is shittier WWE.
Fight me.

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>NJPW is shittier WWE

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Pity Rocky never got a longer run with the jr belt. but he had the most tag title runs so it's not like he never got to hold a belt and he will always have a comfy office job since he can speak Japanese

>NJPW is shittier WWE
They are nothing alike ya mark
even from the the most basic level NJPW is enjoyable

But Young Lion matches are legitimately interesting

Rocky isn't Majima.

Naito is Majima. Someone who worked really hard to impress everyone else, only for his life to fall about, and to be humiliated by the very people he is trying to please.

All until something snaps and he stops giving a fuck what everyone else thinks. Majima turned into the mad dog, Naito become tranquillo.

After that he become a top level guy, easily one of the strongest around, but not THE strongest (Kiryu in Yakuza, Okada in NJPW)

Based Yakuza Chad

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This has seriously got to be one of the worst 'cult classic' series I've ever played.
Goddamn these games are so fucking shit. Just remember I actually paid for one of them too.

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Rare footage of a Yakuza cutscene that isn't gooks in fancy suits sitting around for fifteen minutes talking about mindnumbing gangster politics

Didn't he mention more than once that he can bearly speak Japanese?
I think he said that his Japanese is worse then Hatoris English.

you didn't even try mate

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stick to call of duty faggot

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So Nishitani was Cien?

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>Yakuza is a shitty brawler

This, but unironically