The company decided to put the strap on a gaijin that was leaving within a couple of months...

The company decided to put the strap on a gaijin that was leaving within a couple of months, a washed-up old man and another gaijin rookie nobody gives a shit about instead of just giving it to their biggest merch mover. How do you think that made him feel?

Attached: ToyNaito.png (953x512, 195K)

Money and miles, mark.

Gedo did the same thing to Shinsuke

Naito and Shinsuke were S tier earlier in their careers, and Gedo seems to blame them for being less than great than and eventually evolving into their best characters after that S tier push



Now he knows how us GAMERS feel about AAA devs and Hollywood catering to the Chinese market.

Attached: gamer-arrested.jpg (618x410, 45K)

Naitetty doesn't draw and will never sell out the Tokyo dome


But the answer is Fuck Gedo

Chono was the biggest star to come out of 90's New Japan and he had an even more pathetic title reign than what Naito had

He should look into being a mainstream crossover star

Pretty fuckin tranquilo I assume.


He shit the bed at Wrestle Kingdom 12. If you can't have a good match with Okada you're never gonna make it in New Japan. Naitetty only seems to try when he wants to.

It was great till naito got pinned and the crowd died

who cares about feel

If he were upset about it he'd have gone to WWE.

imagine if WWE booked Naito exactly like this

he doesn't care(tho he might be mad about kenny since he left).he's the most loyal out of anyone. he's just happy how well the company is doing. i remember a story that he was depressed backstage laying of the floor because his IC match with Juice wasn't an all time classic since he saw how loyal Juice was and wanted to make him a star.

Is there footage of this? It seems like Naito is actually a really good dude in real life. Even more so considering the crowd didn’t accept him as the Stardust Genius.

Can't wait for Big Dick Shota to get a megapush so this faggot gets shoved further down the card.

unfortunately no. i think it was on Japanese dirt sheet and i saw it online somewhere i don't know fake it is but he's always putting over undercard guys who are full time like Taichi and Juice in interviews so it seems likely

he also went and worked Elgin shitty indie he run for pretty much free since he liked him so much

That match was great though.

This rat faced gook fuck is a shitter and deserves to be buried by Gedo. Also, it makes the Naitards seethe so it's win-win kek

He talks about it in his documentary he had last year.

>Mad at Kenny
He fulfilled his contract and was presented with a better offer. You simps make jokes about lifers like Ziggler and Orton all the time yet Naito is the biggest of them all. Treated like shit and staying.

No one has talked shit about orton we make fun of Ziggler since Vince has told him to his face that he doesn't see him as a star and he's never going to be anything
Naito is one of top 4 guys in the company the only people who think he's been treated like shit are people who want him to beat everyone and never lose. Naito fans legit got mad when Taichi beat him up to set up a match

Once Vince fucks off, Trips will go after him and promise him at the very least 3 WWE Championships and a shitload of money.

Speaking to Tokyo Sports Naito spoke about being made an offer by the WWE, and the reasons he turned it down.

“I didn’t even give it thought,” Naito said. “This New Japan ring is already the world’s number 1 stage. The fans know this. That’s why I think we should focus on our home crowd before looking international.”