Court Bauer Compares WWE To McDonald’s

WWE is like McDonald’s: they’re global, affordable and readily available anywhere, anytime but society wants more gluten-free, organic or just something different. Sure, McDonald’s, like WWE, is everywhere—ready to be consumed, but not many enjoy digesting it.”

Attached: major-league-wrestling-mlw-logo-BIG.jpg (600x400, 72K)

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His company is trash tho

Cringe shindie shitter

>Food analogy

Way to make your audience look like a bunch of pretentious queers by the way.

How about Ikea? They make a lot of money but their furniture fucking sucks and I'm sure as hell not buying it.

MLW is worse desu

MLW is fantastic. This is a notably racist and socially inept board.

What’s wrong with IKEA?

Oh man the way you compared them to McDonald's I have completely changed how I see mlw, literally god tier is thine court bower, amen.

Ikea works fine for short notice.

MLW Fusion has been better than any episode of Raw or Smackdown since Fusion started on a weekly basis.

MLW is good but Yea Forums is a CHADpact board

Didn't Hiroshi Tanahashi already talk about the McDonaldization of wrestling? What a copycat.

>not many enjoy digesting it.”

Cringe AF

Why would you use an anology that makes your own audience sound like a bunch of pretentious low test twats.

Fucking cringing at anyone in indie shit position even making this analogy. Given the chance they too will want to be the monopoly of the wrestling business and swim around in millions of dollars. Bunch of low IQ hypocrites, but then again, this is rasslin, everyone involved has low IQ

IKEA is leaps and bounds better than WWE.

>wanting to eat something better than mcdonalds is pretentious

>tfw would love to watch some comfy weekly wrestling, but every single modern wrestler is just so goddamn cringe and over the top I can't
First season of Lucha Underground was the exception since it embraced it's ridiculousness and felt like a live-action Mortal Kombat. Plus it's not even a promotion; it's a TV show.

IKEA furniture is perfectly good for the price

Court Bauer is a obese fatass nerd and MLW sucks apart from Teddy Hart and Harry SMith

Organishit and gluten freeetty never drew a ding-dong diddly dime

MLW sucks

Spotted the aneritard


>but not many enjoy digesting it.
Bitch please, McDonald’s is good.



Good comparison

You could also say they are the squared circle of wrestling.

>Court Bauer


Attached: 1484009055506.png (502x500, 238K)

McDonalds is based and delicious

the only way ikea would be like the wwe is if you bought a billy bookshelf and the box had a roman vs brock match inside instead

if wwe is anything it's general motors


Eat some real food.

How out of touch are you?

>eating non-mass produced fast food trash is for pretentious low test twats
>real high test alpha chads only eat literal garbage food like McDonalds
oh nonononononono

mcdonalds isnt going to close down in 3 years though

Does the food board have Mcdrones talking about how their burgers must be the best because of record breaking profits?

Former wwe writer

What a fucking retarded comparison. People enjoy McDonalds, it's made to be very enjoyable to wide population even if it isn't healthy and that's why it's a fucking huge company that's actually enjoyed all over the world. WWE isn't made to be enioyable, the people who make it despise the viewers and fill the show with shit that only appeals to them which is why the company is dying and viewers have been plummeting for two fucking decades.

More apt comparison would be something like Harley Davidson. The product is shit and the only people buying them are boomers who are already half dead and it's only a matter of time before the company dies.

I feel full and happy after McDonalds. After Raw I feel bored and suicidal.

I'll care what Bauer has to say when MLW buys sound equipment that wasn't from Best Buy lmao

Mlw is a local hamburger joint that shares its building with a taco shop

And the food sucks anyways but it's not McDonald's so all your retarded friends keep bugging you to eat there anyway