James Bond

>James Bond
>Blade Runner
>MCU (GOTG, Avengers)
How much does HHH hate Batista?

Attached: bluetista.webm (1280x720, 981K)

They asked Triple H if he wanted to play Thor, but he turned them down. He's basically the future of wrestling, why would he be mad?

Ha Batista shrank in height? he looks smaller than Triple H there were he use to look much bigger

Attached: 5465454.jpg (642x361, 68K)

wasn’t he in BR2049 for only 2 minutes and didn’t that movie flop?

The entire opening scene revolves around his character and sets the tone for the film. It may not have done well in American theatres, but was critically acclaimed and is considered a cult hit. How’d your movie The Chaperone do, Paul?


no one has paid a dime to see Batista act

Attached: chyna-she-hulk.jpg (640x414, 106K)

Been wondering this too. He doesn’t look nearly as big as he used to.

Gaytch is wearing 10 inch lifts

Batista's the star in two movies this summer and they both look like shit.

yes and yes
but people still brings up meme runner because that’s the only film besides gotg and james bond in which Dave had a memorable appearance

tbqh he was pretty forgettable in the first gotg (haven’t seen the second one and infinity war/endgame)

Big if true

And he's gonna be in DUNE

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you just exposed yourself as not seeing them paul

>8th billed actor in assemble cast
Not very

Bluetista was on for 2 seconds in end game big money groot and Spider-Man got the pops.

He didn't do anything in Endgame, but he was one of the best parts of Infinity War.

In multiple massive and wildly successful blockbuster movies.
As opposed to some straight to DVD tier bumbling dad comedy.

>didn’t that movie flop?
Not really. It broke even and got a lot of bluray sales.

Can someone post a larger and better quality of pic related? Want to make it my profile pic

Note how OP mentions none of his other career “highlights”
>man with the Iron fists
>the boss
>Hotel Artemis
>Escape Plan 2
Not to mention Blade Runner and Spectre were heavily criticised and BR was a flop
>inb4 hello Paul

Attached: D17FFA39-5E73-4D2E-9C41-64A50AD33ED2.jpg (499x499, 45K)

>it broke even
Not even close. 180 million budget and it had to make double that at least.

he was the highlight of gotg 2 and infinity war

He's behind him in the OP pic and in front of him in your pic.

Wait, you still haven't seen Ironman die after using the Infinity Stones to snap away Thanos?

Never forget Batista offered to work a Summerslam program to promote the first GOTG but Trips and Steph turned him down because they didn't think people would care.

>tries to fake his retirement after 2012 summer slam to crickets and apathy



>Be actor trying to break into Hollywood
>Take shitty jobs to build up your experience and get some exposure
>Get called for an actual giant franchise after you pay your dues doing awful movies
>Get millions of dollars for putting on body paint
Movies are the same as wrestling, if you’re an actor like Bautista you don’t want to make Oscar winners you just want to make millions

That's a bold-faced lie, user. It wasn't crickets and apathy.

It was YOU TAPPED OUT chants.