How many stars did Meltz give it?

How many stars did Meltz give it?

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-***** because it was an incredible shit match in an incredibly shit fed. GoT is worse for paedophiles than the weebs


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>So Dave run me through last nights Battle of Winterfell

>OHHHHHHHHHHH god. You're really gonna make me talk about Game of Thrones after that new Deadwood trailer? You watch something great like that and then you have to watch Game of Thrones and it's like... Y'know...

>What did you think?

>Well, it was a battle

>The Night King looked like a complete GEEK! Losing to a girl with the banana peel finish. This is PREPOSTEROUS!

>Well, y'know... They've been setting the angle like this for 3 years. Nobody knew. Nobody knew.

>They still have to set a program up for Cleganebowl, we still have four weeks left. Who's gonna care after they took out the biggest heel in the business like that?

>Well, from... uh... from their perspective, uuuuuuh.... Cersei... is the big thing... They think she has heat.

>Ooooh no, MORE CERSEI? I swear to god, if they actually headline Cleganebowl with Jon Snow and Daenerys VS Cersei, I'm gonna lose my mind

>Well, that's David.... You know how he is.

>And there's no Daenerys heel turn?

>As of yesterday morni- As of now... There's no plans for a heel turn. No. But plans could change

Right there with the army you blind simp

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I unironically love these, I don't watch the show but I still get a kick out of this.

>battle didn't take place in korakuen hall
that'll be two stars right off the top

5* but only because it took place in the Winterfell Dome. Would have gotten 6* but the lighting was bad. Battle of the Bastards didn't deserve the 6* Dave gave it.

Since it didn’t happen in the Tokyo dome, it’s 3.5 stars

>As of now... There's no plans for a heel turn.
kekekekekekekekek, read the spoilers

Great match, shit finish. Big Dimes John should have gone over brother.

Inception levels of projection going on there

Absolutely. His whole storyline and gimmick has been building to this showdown and they piss it away for more womeme main event bullshit.

Battle of the Bastards shouldn't even have gotten 4*. There have been only six legitimate 5* matches in Westeros Wrestling Entertainment history:
>Joffrey(c) def. Stannis at Blackwater, even with Tywin's interference
>Night's Watch def. Wildlings, at the Wall
>Brienne def. the Hound, falls count anywhere intergender match
>The Hound def. Beric Dondarrion, loser leaves town (doesn't matter that they brought Beric back right away)
>Bronn def. Vardis Egen, Hell in a Sky Cell, this was when we knew Bronn could draw dimes, carrying a career midcarder like Egen
>The Hound and Arya def. Team Polliver, handicap chicken-on-a-pole match

The Hound vs. the Mountain looked like it was going to be an all-time classic until the commissioner stopped the match. I'm starting to think we'll never get a legit Cleganebowl matchup.

not that user but maybe they meant did they make it through the battle?


>only six legitimate 5* matches in Westeros Wrestling Entertainment history
t.Man's who never seen any episodes syndication.

WWE had two of the greatest faction vs faction feuds ever any you probably couldn't even name a single wrestler involved.

>Uhhh yeah y'know Arya -- with the whole divas revolution -- y'know it had to be her to go over night king
>So he does the job to a little girl?!
>Yeah, well... night king is night king, he doesn't care he is just there to collect a you know he is a terrible promo, cersai can carry those 10-15 minute promos in the beginning and end of episode that they love there...yeah...
>well I think it makes him look like a total dweeb

Just because you like a story with underage people getting fucked and I think you're a weirdo for it, doesn't make it projection. It just makes you a weirdo in denial

>plus you know he is a terrible promo
citation needed

It wasn't in Japan, so I guess less than 4 stars.

D&D worked the book readers into a shoot.

you will have to pay the sub if you want any further elaboration

liking a story in which bad things happen is not the same as condoning bad things ya simp

>no Mountain v Viper

I'll be fair and give it only -3 stars
- This shit is almost over
Arya only squashed kids and old people. When fighting someone else she has always being beaten the living shit out of her. Suddenly, she becomes better than those people for no reason(I was blind for a couple days so I can fight in the dark yas slay queen girl power)
- Runs anyways and proceeds to always have a smug look on her face and act like she's the emperor of cunts, because she spent a couple years getting punched and kicked in the face
- For some reason she's now equal to people that are capable of fighting the Hound one on one and hold their ground
- Sneaks through everyone and kills the guy hyped for more than 6 seasons as being the ultimate king in less than a episode in a 1 minute scene

This is the equivalent of Enzo pinning Okada at WK. It will make people talk and a lot of buzz will go and come around but in the end it will be remembered as pure fucking cancer.

Arya fucked up the finish, the Night King was about to bend the knee to Bran and was presenting him with his sword, but before he could even advise Bran on his ideas for an effective tax plan Arya stabbed him

Directly ripping off the end of Star Wars The Phantom Menace

>Anakin destroys a control ship and the entire army of mindless unstoppable battle droids is defeated

>Arya kills the Night King and the entire army of mindless unstoppable zombies is defeated

Show me once in the show where it happens. In the books yes there are cases, but none in the show. You’re just projecting your own issues

We never knew how good of a promo he is because he never spoke but if he did they'd probably ruin him the same way they did Kane

Or like a small unlikely shitter (Frodo) destroys the ring (NK) and everything just perishes

What did you expect when a pair of literal j*ws run the show?

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