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did....he just call her a man...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

putting the pol shit aside I don’t get how this guy bags a wwe diva

Dating pete dunn

He's pretty handsome and no doubt has a BBC. I know it's difficult, but at least try to wrap your mind around why she might choose him over a pasty, overweight, unwashed geek with a three inch cock.

i feel sorry for op, imagine not specifically dating a poc in 2019

they are just friends from the gym, they've never had sex

Read between the lines, fellas

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He gay nigga.

>I'm her strong woman
What did she mean by this?

So he's already married and she basically saying shes his road wife?

i dont mind BMWF relationships in a shoot but i do despise it as part of my internet gimmick

>over a pasty, overweight, unwashed geek with a three inch cock
But enough about you.

It honestly looks like they were dating for a very long time.

Holy projection

>n-no u
This is why we're never coming back, sweetie.

Oh no I dropped her day one lmao

she's fucking atrocious, bro. Might as well fuck Pete Dunne too while he's at it.

Look at this R*dditor projecting his own inadequacies on a rasslin board lmao. Unironically kill yourself, you mentally-ill fuckup, and make the world a better place.

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he looks like a nerd, nothing worse than a black nerd tbqhwyfam

White w*men & black men are equally as retarded as the other so it's actually a perfect match

White women? Hahahahahaha

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He's the strong woman? Finally, we have real confirmation that at least one of the "women" really is a tranny

He must have a dick like a horse, because he's not a handsome man

I don't see race. All I see is two filthy goys.

>bug people

They are whiter than the average American.

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this nigga ugly