What do you think of Shlak?
What do you think of Shlak?
>Hi Mr. Triple H I'm here for the job interview
He's 40, hangs around Nazis, and is a deathmatch shitter. I'm amazed that people book this guy.
GCW books him regularly so CZW and IWA-MS don't use him
Does meth which means he's based
based motherfucker
wasn’t the nazi thing a reach?
he seems fun.
He's not a Nazi but a lot of those dudes were always at local shows and bars and a lot of non Nazis are friendly with them
based nazichad
he is a maniac
Untalented UltraSoylent Indy Death match shitter
He looks like roided out backyard Andy Serkis.
He's friends with neo-nazi which means he must be accepting of their ideology. That basically makes him a nazi, desu. I mean, there's an image of him performing a nazi salute.
Doesn't this mean he's going to marry some cute joshi?
libuck absolutely ding-dong diddly BOILING
It was a funny picture.
Shlak is a based crackhead who is accepting of everyone, as long as they enjoy deathmatch wrestling. The is no god, only Shlak.
I don't think crack addicts particularly care about politics.
His match with G Raver last night was pretty fun.
Wow, he really does crack.
How is that acceptable?
probably the nastest tack spots ive ever seen
With enough crack and the proper application thereof, anything sounds acceptable.
Garbage wrestler, garbage human
Based and redpilled
I remember seeing him talk about something or other on a youtube video not too long ago.
Seemed like a cool, smart dude.
The GG Allin one ?
Yeah, that was it.
shut up faggot
Makes libcucks seethe so he is based.
What a faggot
Legit seems like the type of guy who just wasn’t built for normal human life. He could never make it as a burger flipper or some salesman. He’s literally wired differently to any other person.
At times that can be based, but at other times it ends up being cringe. Especially when you realize there is absolutely no way that he's living past 60. Shit, maybe he wants that though
Who cares?
What's the point of living past 60?
how much asbestos has he inhaled?