is the Ace of the promotion

> is the Ace of the promotion
> requires 40 minutes to beat a junior heavyweight

What did Okada mean by this?

Attached: Okada-768x597.png (768x597, 706K)

nu japan cant book for shit. they draw fuck all outside slant eye land. bring back the inoki days


Honestly, the 40+ minutes main event formula is getting old. Okada needs to beat guys in under 15 minutes to make it feel like anything can happen.

> is the Ace of the promotion
> puts on phenomenal match with midcarder trying to transition to main event

Sounds about right

>Has a dull title main event match with Sanada.
The Cup match was way better.

I stopped watching NJPW after seeing Okada vs. Omega and Okada vs. Naito. Long boring ass matches.The character seem really cool, but the matches are boring.

It also took him 20 minutes to beat the fucking TM-61 reject. That's when I decided NJPW had grown stale and stopped watching.

what fucking jr are you even talking about ?

So you never watched then faggot?

You are making shit up. the only times he fought juniors was ospreay who he beat in 20

I'm somebody else


SANADA is a Jr, mark

You guys know Okada purposefully extends matches in storyline, right? That's the whole point. He knows that someone like SANADA could potentially beat him in a 15 minute sprint, but Okada has the best stamina of any wrestler in the world. He knows that if he can stall and ground his opponent and tire them out, he'll have energy left to finish when nobody else does.

It's a very simple character trait so its unsurprising that Yea Forums missed it

Sure lol

>t's a very simple character trait so its unsurprising that Yea Forums missed it
More likely they're listening to the awful English commentary that NJPW has which never explains shit.

He never worked Jr in his entire career

The English commentators literally brought that up last defense, that Okada knows he can basically outlast any other wrestler stamina wise.

>Okada v. Jericho at Dominion


Based Regal user

Literally brought up on commentary almost every Okada match. Ya boilin?

This is basically the entire story of the final Kenny match.

>fake fighting another guy for no reason other than i challenge u
nujapan is so boring

Enjoy your Seth Rollins AJ Styles "dream match" faggot.

Ya seethe WWMEMElet?
Ya boil?
Ya fume?

doesnt that matchs stpry basically work as what he just complained about?

Attached: 1.jpg (896x1600, 228K)

how do you think mma works, user

Attached: b00ff3cb85a45a2e03f448ba3682e7a0.png (480x418, 184K)

This tbqh
nujapanlets don't know about Okada's goldilocks zone

>grasping match psychology
