/Stardom/ General

last thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


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not my champion


Bea is shit, I'm gonna dump some Kitto

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Shoulda let this jannetty thread fall off the catalog, starchad

A champion this company can be proud of! #QueensLanding

Attached: D5T2hczUYAI-nua.jpg orig.jpg (1365x2048, 285K)

Bea > SLK

Attached: D5VAx0VUEAE69XX.jpg orig.jpg (1364x2048, 261K)

What a handsome couple.

Attached: queenking1.jpg (600x338, 77K)

Attached: queenking4.jpg (600x400, 32K)


Attached: mayu.jpg (1536x2048, 392K)

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Attached: queenkingboomer.jpg (224x225, 8K)

based Y2J, also lol Arisa's book is still for sale

how long is AZM out?

post more slk

Attached: D4r7xaqVUAICLba.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1364, 253K)

More Bea with the red belt

I don't have any of that sorry

Attached: D4r7xbHUYAAsCxh.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1364, 269K)

fucking pedofile

you need help, pal

>worked by Starlight Adult's gimmicked age

Attached: D5aNkTaUUAE1t8P.jpg orig.jpg (961x1280, 228K)

Miyagi is officially a member of the roster now


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will Arisa beat Momo?

>beat Momo
come on, user

I hope she has a speedy recovery

true, Momo will be double champ

Mayu is really lanky.


and somehow is only 5'4"


Attached: bulldog.jpg (1200x800, 139K)

Not as much as SLK,

me too man me too

true, SLK in the Shiki outfit was very good

more Kitto pls


I really liked Kitto in Shiki's gear and mask.

is this the thread?

it is the canon thread because it was started first but people are boycotting it because there's a Bee OP

but they both have B OPs

the other one was made 26 seconds before this one. it's got me really confused, I don't know who I'm meant to call OPetty

>I don't know who I'm meant to call OPetty
everyone is OP
have you learned nothing in your time here?

they're both agua

Imagine waking up to Arisa looking at you like this.

Isn't that Mayu?

no, Mayu is ugly

Reverse image searched and it's definitely Mayu. Those are the Cinderella shirts and Arisa had dyed her hair again by then. Plus, she was in the tournament, not goofing around at ringside.

guilty looking post

Tam was also in the tournament so that does't make sense. It is Arisa.

Tam lost first round. It's definitely Mayu. Arisa's hair colour is different by then.

Definitely Mayu twitter.com/komatsu_na17/status/1123140464280870914

it isn't Mayu

It is.
You fucked up, user. Arisa will never forgive you for confusing the two.

Mayu confirmed cute.

slight Thatcher effect made Mayu appear cuter than normal

Attached: D5fBTjOUYAASVwF.jpg (1024x1024, 205K)

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I don't think it's Mayu...

What more do you need to convince you other than the multiple pictures of them fooling around ringsde and Tamu saying it's Mayu?

video evidence of Mayu admitting in English that it's her

I like this one because it's sideways

I need more evidence

Attached: 1556076085648.jpg (642x691, 168K)

Attached: mayu a cute.png (539x675, 681K)

look forward to seeing Toni Storm's ass in her Suzuki cosplay

Attached: D52qF1bUcAItODT.jpg (1536x2048, 309K)

these are the only two good shots I've seen so far

Attached: D52oazkUUAAURc_.jpg (3840x2160, 1.42M)

I want to help keep Mayu warm.

thank u

I am very pleased with Beato winning the Red Belt.
Gambatte, Beato-san.

Attached: D5kIWqhXoAIQYqB.jpg (1200x867, 191K)

We don't want you here.

One was made by the false fan promotion-switching boomer and this one was made by /oedo/""chad"" AKA Miki Poster and runner of seven generals.
Neither ideal OPs, desu senpai.

agua looking post

did they?

Attached: IMG_20190506_072239.jpg (2048x1533, 463K)

yes, this guy fuck them all

Attached: Toni Suzuki.jpg (1365x2048, 225K)

what a Chad

why do you pretend to be Japanese?

>Bea is the bridge to have Arisa and Utami wrestling in big venues on the states.



Not based.

hopefully Mandheling took pics of her ass

I honestly can´t believe how hot she became.

Attached: D5d5E-NUUAIstly.jpg (1000x1499, 811K)

Designated jobber for Kitto for the next 5+ years

go away agua

Now that I think about it, why do japs refer to SK as "Kitto" instead of "Kido"?

Attached: Keko Bito.jpg (811x1200, 157K)

cringing at your existence

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I hope someone was lewd enough to get underneath Yurie to try and get a photo of her underpantsu.

When's the next stardom tour?

for who?

You mean US show? Probably won't get another show here until next April for Wrestlemania week. Maybe the usual 4 will come over for an ROH show before then, but who knows when that'll be if it happens at all.

as in the next set of shows? stardom is going on a bit of a break right?


I don't read gook

or calendar

The dates of the shows are in English clearly.


based ace

I want to orally please Mayu.

Attached: mayu disgust.jpg (750x1000, 162K)

What do you guys use to backup videos? Been trying to grab some for a road trip Im going on but when Ive grabbed the video it only gives me the Video, no audio.



The video and audio streams have to be aggregated by a plugin with the method you're using.
I can give you anything from 2018 and prior.

Not if you use the master m3u8 file, which contains all Video and audio URLs.

Her mouth similar to Hana.

Attached: D5pQ2-5U0AEWrgy.jpg (900x1200, 201K)

It's got to be better than anything Rossy would've tried.

Fuck I want the Momo Photobook now, she has some nice handfuls.

Attached: MomoPeach-1.jpg (499x700, 44K)


I haven't been following...but WTF

BEA beat Kagets ??

WOW...I don't even. Then again Rossy put the belt on Toni. So maybe not surprising. I'm of course open to being proven wrong, that she can indeed be champion. But this is curious with the timing of the win. I thought Rossy was being 'no go' with AEW. Now his champion is going to be on their events, and you know they'll talk it up. Maybe coincidence, but it's interesting.

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The Toni thing was unplanned and accidental, though. This was planned.

Is she giving Hazuki a run for her money in regard to the sweater meat?

I've been thinking of giving Momo a shot and trying to fap to her once. This pic isn't bad but do you have any sexier ones?

Hazuki has huge breasts and is /fit/ as fuck.
Momo's are only getting larger because every passing year she becomes more of a fat slob.

She's very, very cute.

Attached: Momo.jpg (576x768, 99K)


>fat slob

nigga you gay

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nigga I have standards for my joshi
In an industry where looks are half your appeal and you spend 4-5 days a week working out and running, there's no excuse for being as out of shape as she is.

in before
>but you need fat to take bumps
no one else does
>but she's still in school
several other roster members, and rookies across the industry in general, are also in school and they don't look this bad

>nigga I have standards for my joshi

then you a faggot

I don't think she is in school anymore. Which makes her getting fat so confusing and worrying.

Good enough for a titty fuck.

it triggers

Momo really is disgustingly fat

really gay posts by nerds

nah your waifu is just in the same shape as most white dad's in their late 40s

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smart move cropping off the gut

damn that nigga ugly

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^ worked

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so true it triggers

pic unrelated

I like this look.

big milkers momo working me into a shoot

All of her new looks grow on people after the initial shock of her changing yet again. I hope she sticks with this one for more than a few months for once.

Attached: D6C-nBgXkAEGkL_.jpg (1200x1200, 209K)

I'd fuck both of them

>that literal bump from page 10

all of the /stardom/ bumps from page 10 are literal, pinhead

imagine seeing this on your bedroom floor in the morning

Attached: Mayu's shorts.jpg (900x1200, 207K)

Link of that pic?


literally the filename

I thought this cunt was english, why is she drinking coffee

I know Mayu is skinny but they look so thin.

if it was Mayu's floor there would probably a bunch of other shit on the floor too

lol true, she's probably messy af

yeah she's super thin

white girls are so pretty

I'm looking forward to Toni vs Kagetsu, a million times more than I would've been in Toni vs the other gaijin shitter

The most interesting thing about it is that it was WWE vs AEW. Probably also the reason it was cancelled. I guess Kagetsu vs Toni might be good, but we already know the result.

who cares about the result? it's fake

I'd wake up worrying what other messes Mayu is leaving for me.

just wait til you hear something crashing to the kitchen floor

Based retard

Attached: momo fan meetup in midwest USA.jpg (1360x850, 306K)
