Yea Forums BTFO

Yea Forums BTFO

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If Vince is literally Hitler shouldn't he be allies with NJPW?

More like the whole internet BTFO

>NJPW is ROH flippy shitters
No one says this.

Holy shit Yea Forums called the fuck out kek
Based 10.99 man

Lots of people genuinely do. I think those shitty Young Bucks gifs really left an impression on people and made them think it's all like that.

a little bit defensive there eh dave?



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Nigga go to any WWE vs. NJPW thread and you'll see people calling New Japan flippy shit. Now I'm sure that most of it is shitposting, but there are people who honestly believe that.

>i've been watching wrestling since the late 70's
>i prefer athletic (no selling flippy anime shit) than an entertaining show (real wrestling)
imagine the smell

>athletic (no selling flippy anime shit)
Hey moron, you're exactly the moron Meltzer was talking about in that tweet.

So are you guys pretending ZSJ and Ricochet weren't in NJPW now? Or that people were literally complaining that Switchblade didn't do enough flips?

To be fair people call in/tweet and tell him this shit all the time. i'd be mad at idiots for fucking with me for 4+ years

Did Dave just point out he doesn't watch WWE but still talks about it as though he's in the room with Vince getting ideas?

No, it’s not all flips. But he’s right about no psychology.

Ricochet was in the cruiserweight and got mad and left when the booker laughed in his face when he asked if he could go heavyweight

How can the E compete.

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You think ZSJ does flips?


ZSJ has never done a flip in his life

They fucking can't pure kino

You're literally what Meltzer is talking about, faggot

Holy shit no one can be this retarded


You don't need to be an athlete to be a good wrestler.

Case in point: Shawn Michaels.

Way to expose yourself, E drone

it's not all flips there's also choppa me choppa u spots

Meltzer otakus worked into a meltdown

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Why has Meltzer been so passive aggressive lately. Like before he was autistic sure but now he sounds fucking bitter.

He's forced to watch wwe for his job. ALL OF IT he's seen every episode of raw and smackdown
That would turn any good man bitter

I see at least a thread day here saying otherwise.

Vince is changing booking decision at the last minute to work him into a fronting seethe, and it's working

My guess is RAM and Smack being worse lately might be souring his mood.

NJPW is for people with more refined taste and higher IQs whilst WWE is for children and man children with low IQ and low testosterone. Look at a crowds in Japan for an NJPW event compared to a live crowd for WWE. WWE fans can barely constitute as being human.

wwe has more flippy indieshitters than njpw at this point

The best matches in NJPW rarely even have flips. Okada can do them if he wishes since he's a great athelete but he doesn't. Same for Naito. Ishii just brawls and slaps/forearms the shit out of you and pops some surprises out of nowhere(submissions). Ibushi does some flips but he's more known for being an incredible athlete capable of doing any wrestling style.
Even Osprey at the beginning was just flips but he has become much better. That stiff elbow as a finish needs to come back at some point, that shit looked great against Ibushi.
I'd say NXT has far more flippy shit than NJPW.

I back this up, no one fucking says this about NJPW on the whole. They say it about the fucking Young Bucks because it’s absolutely true lmao.

Plus the young bucks are pretty bad in flipping stuff compared to some of the people NJPW has. It's like everything they do lacks impact and is slow as fuck.

Agreed haha. They look and feel like spots, which obviously they are but the point of good wrestling is suspension of disbelief. Their spots are the move equivalent of a Cena wink to the camera promo

ding-dong diddly this

He's spending too much time on the internet.

ah yes, the Yea Forums memoryhole

Way to tell on yourself, dipshit.

>A shitter like Taichi can go heavyweight, win belts, main event shows and get singles matches with Naito and Tanahashi
>But Kushida and Ricochet have to be stuck in the Jr. HW ghetto until they leave
Gedo's fuckin' wrong on that one, m8. He lost two top-tier talents to WWE for no reason.

I see people posting about how Okada does flippy shit. You can claim it's just shitposting if you want, but it still happens.

Overselling with little contact on a move with little perceived power. I know it’s fake fighting but at least use real world physics as the basis of your moves. This isn’t fucking anime.

>a picture of (You) is the response
wew you surely showed them champ.

Taichi is way bigger than both of those guys lmao

for you maybe

Yeah and it's all in his giant fucking gut.

Both NJPW and WWE suck. What happened to wrestling being entertainment? I don't want Vince's pile of shit and I don't want 40 minute anime, pseudo shoot fights

KUSHIDA yes, Ricochet can fuck off.

Ricochet is good, man. That tag team he had with Taguchi was fuckin' good, you know it and I know it. He could've at LEAST been the Jr. Heavyweight Champ.

>Ricochet is good, man.
He's one of the most cringeworthy shitters I have ever seen and he can't even cut a promo without shaking
He was better as fucking Prince Puma


whats the matter dave?
not enough flips for ya?


Fuck off with your lies

he has never had a good match

Ricochet is a massive wwe mark. Once they called he was going.