WWE dying more and more every week

>WWE dying more and more every week

Soon, skatebros

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Draw a dime.

Do a kickflip.

Sorry bro, I don't get the reference since I don't watch dying tv

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>WWE dies
>Yea Forums is filled with AEW and other wrestling fed topics
>skating, like other alt sports, is stuck to one topic that barely reaches reaches 50 posts

Yeah...sure OP...sure

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I don't know much about skateboarding other than playing a few Tony Hawk games. Do they have a weekly show like RAW?

Can't wait until we can make BMX theads again

Nothing is stopping you from making that thread right now.

Why make a thread only to watch it get zero replies?

user, I like BMX and the X Games. Here's the issue when it comes to 90% of ALT sports. There is only so much to discuss before it becomes an echo chamber of the same comments. We can suggest bikes, events to watch, best stunt you landed, best stunt you crashed on, and all of that smooth jazz.

If wrestling left you'd still have dead purposeless threads, grow up please user, skateboarding is for children.

This tbhfamilia. I'm an MMAfag but you can only ask so many question and start so many flame threads before it's boring.

It would probably work on a slow board. The BMX dudes could talk about their experiences, post footage, brand discussion, tutorials, get help and so on (just like the skate thread here)

Were you meaning to reply to my comment? As your response doesn't make sense to what I posted. I was making fun of OP's post.

True. Week old threads to revisit wouldn't be bad. A lot better than the shitposting present from fags screaming WWE memes and how they want to fuck divas.


You reek of pure poofness.

We have a 24/7 aired show called local skateparks :^)

We have over 300 posts currently across three seperate topics. Have sex.

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>board starts off great
>gets swarmed by cancer
>original posters leave
Yeah, fuck you and fuck celebcancer on /hr/

Life is just a fantasy, can you live this fantasy life!

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Rodney Mullen is better

Tony Hawk was a member of the Yea Forums Yea Forums cup team that BTFO'd the /fa/ squad yesterday, skatefags get plenty of representation on here. Too bad ya can't ding-dong diddly meme to save your lives

>skatefags get plenty of representation on here
Yeah, all five of you

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Get back to your containment thread fag

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Projecting much? Since this is where Yea Forums and Yea Forums contain you mandrama fans.

Who's the world champion of skateboarding?

I went to a goldfinger concert in 2013 and was surrounded by a bunch of 30/40 year olds. We're getting a lot closer to death user

The Attitude Era and the Tony Hawk Era are linked ya brainlet.

There's so many world famous skaters like Tony Hawk and

>tfw the only draws in the history of your sport are 50 now.
>tfw you're almost 30

Oh I've been 'fraid of changinnnnn cause I've built my life around you

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>Riding a skateboard past the age of 12

Have sex.

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