He will go down as one of the GOAT's of pro wrestling and there is absolutely nothing smarks can do to stop it

He will go down as one of the GOAT's of pro wrestling and there is absolutely nothing smarks can do to stop it.

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WWE is dying so nobody will care LMFAO

>>Sure the AWA died with him as champ but you cant deny that Larry Zybysco was a living legend
>>Is that the fat fuck announcer they booked to take on Razor? That made no fucking sense

Your future Paul

>smark opinion
I'm shocked

>knows what reddit spacing is
Go back

>outs himself as a redditor
>n-no u-u

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it helps that he's using nxt to repair his reputation, sign a bunch of indie guys and all is forgiven apparently

Triple H was fucking based. People who don’t like him got worked hard by his heel work and never got over it, which further shows how based he was

HHH is the definition of a B+ player so he labels other wrestlers with it to make himself feel better.



HHH was great when he was getting beat up by Rock, Austin, Taker, Foley, and everyone else every week. But he’s not a main event star. He always fails in that role. He’s the guy that loses to the star.

Shut the fuck up drooling retard


Smarks are fickle. They may like papa Haitch now for filling WWE with indy darlings but after the territory era return or WWE goes bankrupt, there'll be books and documentaries about the death of WWE. People like to point out a single person rather than a myriad of causes and Vince may receive insults now but fans still love him as Mr McMahon and even his worst enemies in the industry respect him to certain degree because he unified wrestling at a national level, built an international empire and won the Monday Nights War. I think the blame will fall directly to both Steph and Paul. There must be a lot of dirt that hasn't been revealed because Paul's position in the company but if WWE isn't a titan anymore, people with grudges against Paul will start to talk. Even the indy darlings Paul hired may have stories. They only liked him in the asslicking promos written by Paul himself

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Yeah they got worked into turning the channel and never watching again.

Do I even need to say it?

Wrestling's fake (and gay)

Reddit or not if you genuinely get triggered by how someone chooses to space out their typing, you have autism.

Didn't Meltzer once said that Triple H never had a 5 star match?

>Formatting for readability is reddit


If he won half as many titles the internet would be sucking his dick.
Instead, everyone wants to cry about a reign of terror and 20 minute promos when in reality he was just the best/only guy around at the time.

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It should go without saying since every Match of his is the same snoozefest.

He deserves to be one of the GOATS, like it or not he had alot of fans and he increased the smark fanbase with NXT (they're easier to please than normies)