What’s the point of a brand split again?

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To make you stop watching

>the absolute fucking state of this company

Can't say I'm even surprised anymore.

What's the point of WWE again?

saudi fantasy booking fad

The point was to divide SD into the women's show with Ronda carrying it like she did RAW and RAW would have Roman carry it

But Becky deciding to botch the pin and Ronda fucking off as punishment to the WWE for Becky's unprofessional actions, a lot of wrestlers are doing double duty

It's over come October. They'll need everyone bouncing back and forth and SmackDown

>their panic button is more Roman

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That's what happened when you spent 5 years pushing a mountain of shit up a hill then it came crashing down and it hurts inside....

Brand split has always been shitty fucking idea

No, that was never the intention, Roman was obviously always going to Smackdown since SD is going to FOX. They knew exactly how many dates they had Ronda for and she is part-time in the first place and never drew ratings so no she was never going to hold down anything. They want Roman to be the big star on both shows, and they are desperate for Cena Bryan Lesnar and others to come fill in the gaps. If any woman is going to hold down the show it will be Charlotte who Ronda was supposed to put over but Becky fucked it up so countdown to when they can put Charlotte over Becky again.

so what's his unfinished business? his 40th match with drew?

When we gonna get a /y'all/ general

Amazing isn't it? The rating should actually be worse.

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>Smackdown Live Superstar
This company is fucking insufferable.

OH NO! Big Dawg is gonna go off the rails! The pupper is driving!

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sounds like a storyline to kill the brand split for good

Plans changed.

Are they this desperate to get the ratings over 2 mil again?

Big Dog vs the McMahons part 32: Record low ratings edition.

so he’ll be there then

pw insider is saying that they've even postponed the smackdown house show on monday so they can have some smackdown guys show up on raw this week to help build the mitb ppv and help with ratings

so they don't actually get what the problems are

fucking state of this brand split lmao

The state of this promotion. May 25th can't come soon enough.

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They are so clueless. The old man has to go before they kill the audience further.

the brand split stopped making sense when GMs stopped being a thing. Shane turned heel, showed up on RAW and working with Steph meant the brands aren't competing with each other anymore.

So basically it's going to be the return of the Raw Super-Show on Monday?

None of those shitters draws viewers and it doesn't help that the stories around them don't feel organic and they are mostly the same shit without any actual stake or drive for any of them to win the briefcase and win the title

>"We need another Reigns vs Authority storyline!"
Time to put down old yeller.

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The point was to make more belts and devalue all of the world titles in a forced economy.

lmao are they really doing roman vs vince AGAIN


There's nothing funny about this shit anymore (except the fags that still watch it)

Does this cuck realize that Roman is back on Raw because he's tanking the ratings ?

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Reminder they said WE are the authority, so in Vince's mind, the blame is on us for the ratings being down