Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: rakureikasmall.gif (384x245, 2.76M)

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both based
one for not completely selling a miss and the other for going for a hit instead of a cover right away

objectively true, if ya botch ya better fix that shit right that instant.



Everyone wins


>hitting your opponent full force in the side of the head because of a mistake in fake fighting

You think that kick would've hurt less?

>full force

Reika objectively because winding up and throwing shoot punches at your opponent's head because they flinched and a spot looked bad is dumb. Waifuists will come up with every excuse in the book to defend her though.

>full force
there was no weight behind it and no follow through, you have been worked like many others

>full force

yeah, the poor girl might need a head amputation.

The drama queen response to this from basedlord redditors is hilarious
>she shot on her!
>she punched her full force in the head!
>it's just like yoshiko except she's pretty!

Attached: 134862886286262.gif (350x250, 2.39M)

The Redditors are the ones excusing away her actions.

>Thinking wrestling is real in 2019.

yes because the kick was supposed to be a worked wrestling move. the punch looked very much like a stiff shot in the heat of the moment.


Am I missing something? Cuck Man Phil throws better punches than that.

>shoot punch
There was no force behind it and the other bitch even sells that terribly.

>shoot punch
>stiff shot
For fucks sake Anons, you have never seen someone getting shoot punched in the head.
Reika's opponents head doesn't even flinch, she just set her body down slowly and Reika even gives her time to see it coming with that obvious wind up.

Attached: what what is it.png (532x700, 584K)

>shoot punches
While I think even calling one stiff crack a shoot/shot is disingenuous, it's at least technically true. Calling it a punch is just false exaggeration.
What kind of retard world do you live in where people punch by swinging their arm sideways?

>japan wrestling women are elite they said

The bookers and the fans encouraging these women to participate in society

Her opponent will be out of wrestling within the next 6 months after the stupid idol project she's a part of folds. They already lost 1 of their 4 members.

>full force

Attached: 1392618353844.jpg (720x430, 28K)

Is this a pure strike?

it's on /r/stardomjoshi and the mods already locked it for some reason

Are you seriously claiming that what Reika did was a legitimate wrestling move? I've literally never seen her punch someone in the side of the head as one of her moves before.

it's not even a punch

Looks based. Burning punch.

she might die of eternal bleeding


They covered for the botch better than anyone in WWE would