Why is Randy Orton providing for 3 children that aren’t his?

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Unironically feel terrible for the biological father of those kids. Imagine trying to compete with Orton? Poor fucking guy.

her foot game is on point


cus the sex must be insane

>biological kid is autistic
>provides for other's kids
sad that Chad has turned into a literal cuck

Is his daughter really an autist?

I don't think you understand how it works.

Yep... its why he left ex wife

Holy fuck lol

For a racist like Randy to be putting up with a bunch of beans that puss must be spicy

Was he really ever a Chad when his seed is retarded

I bet he’s taking the picture, lmao

This. Randy was never a chad. Actually the complete opposite.
>goes AWOL from the Marines
>does homoerotic shit backstage
>is only in WWE because of nepotism
>cries to Vince when things didn’t go his way

well there's not much story other than that it's pretty sad. he used to wear the girl's hairband like a ring when he's having a match but when it turned out she's retarded, he left her.

she sucks his dick good and gives him pussy whenever he wants

There is literally nothing wrong with stepping up to be a father to kids who don't have one. Thats not being a cuck, that's being a man.

I hear children in my pad
They are not mine
They call me dad
I am a cuck

>t. Andy Richter

As a tax payer you're providing for millions of kids that aren't yours.

He’s a cuck

This but unirronically

Most likely because he's rich as fuck and isn't a pathetic faggot like people who think feeding kids is a bad thing.

Is she retarded or autistic?

>implying anyone here has a job

>providing for 3 children that aren’t his
it only makes sense if he was raising three step-daughters
>3 sons that aren't yours

what's the difference? She's still an embarrassment

I do. Feels fucking bad man.

feels good man

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By the Nine, kid on the right is straight from Oblivion.

I just wanted to ask to see if you were too retarded to know the difference.

>By the Nine
What was that, heretic?

>two biological daughters
>three sons not his own
lmao kek

More like gives him feet whenever he wants

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Damn, thumbnail made me think Randy had two giant monitor lizards over his shoulder in the bath. Would have been based af.

Because Randy is friends of children everywhere.

Jordi on the right.

The twist is that Orton IS the bio-dad. He was secretly siring these lil spics behind everyones backs all along.

pretty sure taking care of another man's semen stains is just being a cuckold


I wish randy passed his genes to at least one boy progeny so that he could inherit his dad's Chad physical attributes. Both his step sons look like average geeks

Thassa cus he a cuck
>muh wifes brown sons
>"our kids"
Hahahaha dumbass white boi

>Why is Randy Orton providing for 3 children that aren’t his?

free landscaping

Randy's ex was cute too. I wonder what happened?

her womb was cursed. Gave orton a potato daughter

What a disgusting situation.

How and why does he have to wallow around in the muck like that?

I could do better.


I hope those kids at least think it is cool what their step-dad does.

Maybe you don't kek.

I honestly wouldn't mind doing it as long as the bio dad is dead
Other than full-on adoption of an orphan, that's like my only exception to raising another man's kid
If he's still alive.....nah

In real life the whole "my wife's son" thing is bullshit, and guys we regard as "Chad" have no qualms about fucking women some other guy has fucked first, or even fathered children with. They get laid every night and laugh while virgins on the internet call them "cucks".

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