

Attached: CD773C22-312A-4AED-B115-B7A4C590DA7B.jpg (750x752, 140K)

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WWE will die in your lifetime

Unironically struggling to see who the fuck would want to watch this. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ.

*ahem* allow me:

This... What would they even discuss? It would seem obvious they've been force fed their lines .

mutt city mutt mutt city

christ they're all ugly

>Matt loves eating my ass

>Randy loves eating my ass too

>Kurt doesn’t like having sex because it’s very painful for him.

Is Reby gonna bitch about Lita some more

Why can't none of them land white women oh I forgot amerimutts don't have.

Kurt Angle as the Joe Swanson of wrestling is an avenue we should pursue.

Why aren’t any of them white?

Reminder decades of getting your head dropped onto ladders will only ever make you equal to a 6/10 who opened her legs once

Latinas know how to fuck. I don't know if the last one is one, looks Indian


White women are over.
Name one white woman killing it right now


Pure semon demons

Puerto Rican.

>not liking racially ambiguous bimbos
Begging ya to acquire test

>Kim not talking about how Randy is a feet fiend

>Fuck Lio Rush

Didn’t know they had bathroom break programming too on the network

Imagine wanting to hear anything Reby Hardy has to say. The sooner Matt divorces her and she is in porn the better.

Yup, way better than Talking Smack.

Ass eating degenerate.

afraid of a strong woman? Nice way to admit you're an incel

Attached: 1556071333984.webm (224x400, 1.36M)

Taylor Swift
Kate Upton
Ivanka Trump


Incels will be cancelling their network subs, who’ll even be left???

bet this still gets more views than Charles's Chronicle episode

Attached: 1554777673011.png (750x230, 126K)

> Swift
She was drafted over to black people in the last racial draft
> Upton
Literally fucking who?
> Ivodka
Charlotte tier nepotism, and she's totally overshadowed by actual women politician

Hard pass on the first and the third.
The second was my go to...until she lost all that leg meat. Now she's just another average Jane.

Reby took the bogpill


Attached: 0224-matt-hardy-reby-sky-mug-1.jpg (700x432, 108K)

>name one white woman killing it
Oh I don't know all the white parents raising the future that will pay for your food stamps nigger lol. Like who could care about Jew media, it's almost 2020 faggot nigger bitch

What will you niggers do if white people aren't here to make sure you still get your gibs? Mmmmm you worthless faggots don't want to think of that. How sad of a ((culture))

>overshadowed by actual women politician
Imagine believing that a single female politician has ever done one thing of value

LOL this white boy boilin'!!!


Randy is almost a perfect 10 with millions in the bank, how did he end up with a 5 womanlet?

Justin Verlanders wifey

kek this