NJPW Wrestling Dontaku 2019 day 2 is starting shortly, who's watching?

NJPW Wrestling Dontaku 2019 day 2 is starting shortly, who's watching?

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me nigga


Henare sold that like he had been killed. also the fact Taichi wasted so much time fucking around as a jr makes me mad

Based Taichi
Fuck Henare

We doing Ass man vs Taichi next?
Taichi said he wanted to fight him,Henare and liger


i'd be down for famous butt wrestler vs lord Taichi

>watching wrestling

ya seethe

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Henare = BASED
puro Yea Forums = obese simp faggots

Evil vs Ishii to steal the show

Hi henare! Go wash tenzan’s back ya island nigger.

So they are doing Jay vs Okada next
what's the point of EVIL vs Ishii?
They clearly want to do Naito vs Okada at WK and if you'd let Shingo fight Okada with a big upset pin from a tag. you could keep Okada in the LIJ ecosystem till at least Naito has the briefcase

Evil challenging for IC I guess. Maybe they will do Naito/Ibushi at BOSJ finals so that show doesn't bomb and Evil/Ibushi at Dominion.

Naito is beating Ibushi for the IC title

You're gonna get stabbed, Juice.


What a fucking headbanging tag team

>Insert a photo of puro tranny twitter

who is times up?

another kickpad wearing fliplet

At least he's got the crowd with his crazy flips

Oka. He hasnt wrestled in a couple of months and he toured in the UK for his excursion. Probably a SZKG pickup.
yeah hes a junior you spoon.

Nah senpai he's 6ft
he BIG for a jr

Oka is too big for the guy they were showing in those vignettes

You can tell Lee and Taiji love working with each other

Fuck I just woke up. Did I miss Okada v Sanada? I bet that's gonna be a BARN BURNER

Oka is 6'1 and thicc as fuck i don't think this is him

The guy in the vignette probably isnt even the wrestler. The person in the switchblade vignettes had tattoos all over his arms.

Nope. Still got another tag and EVIL/Ishii before the main.

im thinking Chris Brookes or a heel finlay

>all juniors must wear kick pads and do flips

whatever you say ya fork

the fucking height he got on that holy shit

>Up early enough for an Ishii match ALSO


Milano already in love ahaha

Shingo is winning BOTSJ only losing to YOH

Fuck i meant Sho im a tard

Yoh would be kino though

yeah but they have built sho vs Shingo up for like the whole year now

had no idea this was starting early
oh well


Aye he's back motherfuckers


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Nice shorts ace.

Anyone got a decent stream? The one I got on watchwrestling pauses every 5 seconds

just go to taima tv

How many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man!

I know BOSJ is like 12000 seat arena so i get it
but fuck me that card is STACKED


Many thanks lad. Tuned in (regrettably) some /wooo/ bollocks.

Reminder Ishii's whole character is trying to find someone who hits him as hard as Shibata

good stuff so far

Feel like it is Chris Brookes. This was from his IG story a little bit ago

Although a few after that he said he enjoyed trolling the internet

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>Sanada losing again
Fuck this shit

Now Shibata has retired, does Ishii have the best current headbutt in the business?

thread a lot let active than yesterday
just shows based taichi and the juniors are a bigger draw than simps like okada and ishii

fuck this match is some good shit


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Fuck yeah!


Nobody puts on a stiff looking match like Ishii


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How the fuck does no neck man keep doing it after all these years into his 40s now? He never rests and keeps pumping out the kino and still taking sick neck bumps and headbutts

so pretty

miho looks nice too


based sanada time to job

That's some nice gear you got Sanada....

New gear, new skull, new look, new champ.

I like his hair, but I prefer Sanada before the beard

what a based look

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sold out crowd.

why doesn't sanada use the shining wizard

has sanada gone super saiyan?

I was just thinking the same thing. Itd be a good addition considering his arsenal is a bit bland and he has no real strike offense, even Okada, who has a super restricted safe moveset has the missile and john woo dropkick.

Nah he's going back to the The Great Sanada

He’s going back to simpact.

Does Sanada have the best current look in Pro Wrestling?

That would be Ibushi

Based Big Black at the back. A new challenger to Big blue and red appears

Based Big Black at the back. A new Strong Style challenger to Big blue and red appears

Stop letting go idiot!

Fucking hell. Maybe I just don't watch as much NJPW as I should, but this match seems tense. The amount of false finished has me on the edge of my seat. Is this just a big dimes Okada thing?

There's a reason many swear by Okada being the best in the world and Sanada is pretty damn great himself.

big dimes SANADA

I haven't watched the E for years for obvious reasons, and it kinda soured me on wrestling in general. But everytime I see Okada on NJPW I'm fucking ENTRANCED.

Is NJPW worth watchign on its own then? It seems fucking GREAT


I'd say it's an Okada thing tho the match was great . it helps they have a sold out hot crowd.


this was a great match, but was a standard NJPW main event singles match

At least you look good SANADA.

It's the only wrestling I actively keep up with anymore. Without a doubt it is worth it. The schedule for most of the year is very lax making it easy to watch whenever a show pops up.

Really good match. Evil vs Ishii was amazing tho. New japan cup match with them was better

The Ishii/Evil match was great too. Plus I fucking LOVE how awesome most NJPW wrestlers look too. Tanahahi and Naito look great, and I'm a big time Shibata guy, despite the fact he retired. I love going back and watching Shibata/Ishii matches


Yeah i love it, BOSJ is starting like next week so if you like flippy shit your in luck



Jericho was really good until that last part

Not my kinda thing bro. I like "Strong Style" matches I guess? I hate flippy bollocks, but I think I've just been soured by that WEBM of the YB faggots doing that stupid "stunt".

Are the SJ in NJPW good?

Just watch all of Shingos matches.

Skip NJPW until June 9 then, Dominion will be your kind of show. You will also like the rest of the year except for a Junior Heavyweight Tag Team tournament which goes for a few weeks in spring.

What's the best way to watch NJPW then pals? Is there a weekly to watch, or should I just watch the "PPV" or whatever they're called and enjoy these larger than life matches?

i just watch big ppvs and keep up to date on what's going on through small video segments. i've only been watching 5 years but i've never watched the tag matches but still feel invested just because i've watched so many singles matches involving everyone, so that paired with news/videos about whose in a match is enough for me.

the schedule is irregular.

Jan: Wrestlekingdom (biggest show, watch it), Fantasticamania (beaner series of shows, skip it)
Feb: New Beginning (2 big shows usually, watch it)
March: Anniversery Event, NJPW Cup (single elimination tournament spread over several shows
April: Sakura Genesis and other shows
May: Wrestling Dontaku (2 nights),

as well as a bunch of house shows that build to the bigger shows which are sometimes worth watching

cant be bothered tpo type the rest, but you get the idea, it's different every month

I'd watch the BOSJ finals since it's going to be stackcard with it going to be a 12000 people arena i know Juice is defending the belt and Naito might be fighting kota then or dominion. Also look out for Shingo vs Sho in the bosj since it's going to be strong style as fuck and has a great build

I watched WK this year and it blew my fucking nips off.

Is Shingo that guy who's fucking MASSIVE and wears those cool teeth?

he is, also you have some catching up on a guy called Shibata

Wrestling Dontaku was 3 nights this year has a bunch of "Road to shows" that are just them getting in their house shows in and HI NO KUNI in the middle of all of them which is a another bigger show. it had the tag belts,Jay vs Goto and some other midcard single matches

As in "The Wrestler" Shibata? He's one of my favourites. I love going back to watch him beat the SHIT out of guys

yeah, glad you done your homework

Wrestlign Dontaku was TWO nights this year, tonight and yesterday. They also had a bunch of house shows, Sengoku Lord, Aki No Kuni and Hi No Kuni

I've totally watched NJPW from afar for years, I've never just gone "all in" on it like I did with WWE. My favourite guys from past and present are Tanahashi, Shibata, Ishii and Goto

Yeah he's massive and as big as some heavyweights he just comes from dragon gate which is a junior promotion so they stuck him in the weak junior division

I'd give the the BOSJ a go since most of them hit pretty fucking hard like Dragon lee who's biggest inspiration isShibata

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>Tana wins Heavyweight Championship
>White wins Heavyweight Championship
>Okada wins Heavyweight Championship
>Okada beats Sanada and gets challenged by Chris Jericho
Gedo pls stop

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im the biggest retard alive i thought Sengoku Lord was night 1

March also had Honor rising and Iizuka's retirement show if you count them lol

What's wrong with that?
they have not worthy challengers around for Okada and most people don't want to see Okada vs Jay 4

thank god it's jericho challenging okada
dominion is gonna be based bros

Jericho's been training for AEW so he might be able to go

Boomer Jericho has always delivered in the NJPW ring, but his schedule means that there's either little or always the same build for his appearances. That's really the only problem with him working with NJPW.

he's been able to go in all his new japan matches
this is gonna be great

There's nothing inherently wrong with it per-se, but there's also more people on the roster itself who could easily challenge Okada. Ishii could have a shot, Goto hasn't had a title shot in years, hell I'd be fucking 100% down for Nagata getting a shot at the title after that match he had with Ishii during the NJC. I know there's not a whole lot of people who can really challenge Okada while also feeling fresh, and a fair bit of that comes from him pretty much running through everyone during his last reign, but there are still some outliers that could do it.

The problem is this is the second biggest match of the year and Gedo need's a money match. this is a money match


Its an Osaka-Jo main event. The only other available match they could have made that MIGHT have filled the arena is Okada/Evil because of how over Evil is in Osaka. Tana wouldnt make sense, Naito and Ibushi are being protected in other feuds, Kenny isnt going to show up this early into AEWs launch, Goto wouldnt sell it out, Nagata wouldnt, Ishii probably wouldnt and they dont book intra-faction matches for titles. If this match was happening at Ryogoku then you would have a point, but its not.

Yeah, that's fair. I'm sure the match will be great, but this is the third time in a row where Jericho's come in for a direct title match. That's kind of goofy to me, but it's whatever I guess. G1's coming right after so hopefully we get some solid contenders coming out of that.

eh jay might have worked since the one time they headlined a showin japan it did like 7000 people and that was half a year ago but it's been done to death at this point

Other anons answered already.
To add to their points.
NJPW is wrestling promotion that lives and dies on ticket sales. They do not have some great stable money income from anywhere else. They need to keep selling tickets. Jericho matches sell well in Japan, he delivers on all of them, the fans who go to the shows and give their money to the promotion like his matches a lot. He brings something different to the promotion, even if he looses most of the time, he is believable contender for any title at any time, because of 30 years in wrestling and being a star.
This match is exactly what the show needed to move it into ticket I would have bought 100% if I were in Japan.

Okada/Jay headlined the opening G1 night, that would have helped. Jay drew pretty well for New Beginning and Hi No Kuni actually did pretty well considering last years main was significantly bigger(Naito/Suzuki IC title).
They are going to keep Okada and Jay away from each other for a while(they might play spoiler on the final G1 night), Jay has a lot more top card guys to go through and develop more.

>Jay has a lot more top card guys to go through and develop more.
Jay vs. Naito and Jay vs. Ibushi have never been done. Jay and Naito stood in the ring together only twice and that one those USA debut shows.

Ok, yeah, I can completely get that. I'm one of those kinds of people who think of what possible matches a title reign could get and how fresh they are. It's a big reason why I was extremely disappointed when Okada won it from White. I guess my whole gripe here is less about Jericho getting the shot (which is kind of weird that I'm kind of complaining about a completely fresh match-up), and more just being tired of Okada as champ. But yeah, they're just doing what's good for the sake of the business, which I can get behind.

considering how brutal Jays promos were regarding Gotos various failures I can only imagine the shit hes going to talk to Naito.

he's probably gonna have the belt until WK at least man. you'll get plenty of matches

How was the Okada/SANADA match? haven't seen much buzz on twitter.

Also, how did the crowd react to the Jericho surprise?.

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can you imagine if they actually dropped it to Jericho

So Boomericho is coming back? Dunno if that's good or bad news

typical okada fare. depends how much that floats your boat.

not happening

Are they finally acknowledging Yoshi Hashi's unlimited potential as a comedy wrestler?

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not as good as the new japan cup. overshadowed by Ishii vs evil
still a great mtach

So Tana's definitely on his way out of the top 4 right? Now they have Kota and he's gonna spend the next year putting over Jay and Kota while giving Okada his win back

the pop was good . they were super hot all night. and gave every angle a great reaction like booing jay out of building for taking out Tana

>evil vs ishii
havnt watched yet but im gonna guess this was kino

The crowd was going ape shit the whole time and loved it. just watch the 4 last matches and you will get all the angles going forward

lmao this shit has turned into a parody.

how so seething tranny?

it was pretty good. two thicc midgets battering each other. more enjoyable than the main event

Okada is the best at big main event level matches

I've noticed that dude, everytime I see an Okada match I'm literally on the edge of my seat at the amount of false finishes etc. He knows how to make a match feel BIG.

I've seen his WK matches, and his trilogy with Omega, which I remember watching entirely with JP commentary, and still being completely ENTHRALLED.

Okada has peaked in NJPW already. Wonder how GEDO is going to book him going forward. Only Ibushi and Shingo are left.

He still has to get his win back from Tana, and i'd guess that Ospreay gets a win over him in the G1.

It wont be long until he has the next young top guy biting at his heels and he takes Tanahashis spot from 2012/3. His whole mid/late 30s is going to be as a cocky heel against babyface Jay and Unno.