I hate obvious booking

I hate obvious booking

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Yeah obvious im not gonna watch lmao

Got em

why does finn always have that "i'm slowly dying inside" smile?




Ricochet is winning

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it reminds me of that bald dads grimaced grin as his son comes out of a box trans

yes exactly

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Love when they put their cutouts side by side like they're the same height and not 4 literal vanilla flippyshit midgets vs 4 "regular" (for wrestling) guys

OP here.

The champion will be a face so the MITB winner will be a heel. Drew is going to win.

why do they treat drew like this?

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Dronies btfo

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God, why. It's one thing to put your parents under the stress and embarassment of coming out as trans, but to have a "gender reveal" thing and post it online for everyone to see how your parents wonder what the FUCK did they do wrong that you turned out like this?

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drew is the only one who stands a remote chance of winning
the big question is who wins the womens one and presumably cashes in on becky in the same night

and becky will still squash them along with lacy and charles


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she(he) cute

Obvious choice is Carmella or Alexa, and those are the only two choices that make sense. Knowing current WWE it will probably be Naomi


Really pity that poor bloke

>Carmella nor Alexa again

rekt lmao

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Only incels give a fuck about women's shit

The winner will be a SD girl because that's the title Becky will lose. She'll keep the RAW one until next year for two reasons: 1)to keep her on RAW and SD, and 2) to have her with a title in case Ronda comes back.

So the winner will be either Bayley to spite Botcha, or Ember because she might turn heel. No fucking hell they'll give it to Carmella again, and Mandy still looks like will feud with Sonya at some point.

Bayley is the next one to be slotted in the Asuka/Carmella/Ronda role in the Becky/Charles feud.


>white people

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Rick O'Shea is gonna be a bonafide star but it's too early for him to be in this match.

It might be Mandy since they never want to do more than one womens story at a time

bayley winning it then turning on heel on becky would be the most interesting scenario

big drew dimes going over

why are they all the same height

>yfw things come full circle with Randy winning and cashes in on with calling him STUPID

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Not bad, user.

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Rooting for /myguy/ Almas

I hate using a midcard champion and his opponent in a match they have no business being in when there should be a title defense. They could have used plenty of different talents in their place:

>aleister black
>buddy murphy
>chad gable
>killian dain
>fucking lars sullivan

>the big question is who wins the womens one
Mandy for sure. Sonya can be her bodyguard and she can have a chickenshit heel run with it for a long time.

>Drew is going to win.


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